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Izben C. Williams, MD, MPH Instructor

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1 Izben C. Williams, MD, MPH Instructor
BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE Izben C. Williams, MD, MPH Instructor

2 Other Psychiatric Disorders

3 Personality Disorders
What is this Personality that may become disordered? PERSONALITY: DEF: The set of ingrained characteristics (traits) that define the behavior, thoughts and emotions of an individual These characteristics allow us to maintain an equilibrium between our internal drives and the world around us, and they dictate our lifestyle (modus operandi)

4 Personality Disorders
A Personality disorder is a chronic or lifelong pattern of behavior that is characterized by a group of traits that are: Severely dysfunctional in terms of interpersonal relationships Usually more troublesome to others than to the affected individual Relatively stable over time

5 Personality Disorders
Clusters of Personality disorders (DSM V): Cluster A: The odd and eccentric group (paranoid, schizotypal, schizoid) Cluster B: The dramatic, emotional, and erratic group in which self-preoccupation predominates (narcissistic, histrionic, borderline, antisocial) Cluster C: Anxious and fearful group(obsessive- compulsive, dependent, avoidant) This grouping into three clusters is based on similarities in symptoms or traits

6 Personality Disorders
Each cluster has its own hallmark characteristics and genetic or familial associations Diagnosis depends also on a personality disorder being present by early adulthood See diagnostic characteristics for individual disorders (Fadem: Table 14.3) A diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder is not made before age 18, conduct disorder is ascribed instead.

7 Personality Disorders
Individuals in each cluster have a tendency to employ particular defense mechanisms : Cluster A: Affected individuals use the defense mechanisms of projection and fantasy and may have a psychotic tendency Cluster B: Affected individuals tend to use dissociation, denial, splitting and acting out Cluster C: Affected individuals tend to use isolation, passive aggression, and hypochondriasis

8 Personality Disorders
TREATMENT: Individual and, where tolerable, group psychotherapy may be useful for those who seek help Pharmacotherapy can be useful on treating symptoms of co-morbid conditions such as depression and anxiety However personality disorders are, by and large, resistive to treatment

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