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Ovulation Definition: The process of in which mature follicle ruptures and the secondary oocyte with zona pellucida & corona radiata is expelled into.

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2 Ovulation Definition: The process of in which mature follicle ruptures and the secondary oocyte with zona pellucida & corona radiata is expelled into peritoneal cavity.

3 Result of ovulation release of oocyte ruptured follicle undergoes re-organization and is transformed into the corpus luteum.

4 Mature follicle ovulation Menstruation C.L. Secondary oocyte Corpus luteum ( 黄体 ) Fertilization Pregnancy C. L corpus albicans 白体 follicular Cells

5 Corpus luteum * Formed by a ruptured follicle * two types: menstruation C.L Pregnancy C.L *cell types: granulosa lutein c. progesterone ( 孕激素 ), relaxin theca lutein c. estrogen( 雌激素 ).


7 Fate of corpus luteum corpus albicans CA

8 Atretic follicle *The process of follicular atresia may occur at any stage in the development of the ovum. *The histological appearance of atretic follicles varies enormously, depending on the stage of development reached. atretic follicle

9 Atretic follicle




13 Hilus cell located at the hilum of ovary. morphologically very similar to Leydig cells of the testis. Those cells can produce androgen.

14 Oviduct / Uterine tube / Fallopian tubes conducts ova from the surface of the ovary to the uterine cavity is the site of fertilization by spermatozoa 4 parts: infundibulum ampulla isthmus interstitial part


16 Histological structure of oviduct *three layers: mucosa muscularis serosa *a labyrinth of branching longitudinal folds in mucosa *simple columnar epith. two types of cells: ciliated cells secretory cells

17 Uterus *perimetrium : fibrosa, serosa *myometrium *endometrium -epithelium: simple columnar epith. -laminar propria: thick, numerous tubular glands glands and stroma undergo extensive changes during the menstrual cycle.


19 Endometrium Epithelium: simple columnar epith with two types of cells. Laminar propria: C.T uterine glands stroma cell spiral artery capillary network

20 Functional layer: * exhibits dramatic changes throughout the cycle. *is shed during menstruation *is supplied by spiral arteries which are responsive to the hormonal changes. Basal layer: *adjacent to the myometrium *undergoes little change *is supplied by straight A. *is capacity of proliferation.

21 Cyclic changes in the endometrium Beginning with puberty and ending at the menopause, the endometrium undergoes periodic changes, which is called menstrual cycle. menstrual phase : first - 4 th day proliferative phase : 5 th –14 th day secretory phase: 15 th – 28 th day

22 menstrual phase Degeneration of the corpus luteum The level of Estrogen & progesterone decreased Spiral A constriction Spiral A relax Bleeding (hemorrhage) resulting in ischemia endometrium discharges, necrosis

23 Menstrual phase

24 Estrogen increasing Proliferative phase The growth of follicles *regeneration of endometrium *proliferation of stroma c. *uterine glands grow, lengthen and become closely packed. *glycogen accumulates in the basal region of the glandular c toward of the end of this phase. * Spiral arteries elongate


26 Formation of the corpus luteum * endometrium thickness. *glands lengthen, swell and coil. *glycogen moves to the apical zone of the glandular cells. *coiled arteries grow nearly to the surface of endometrium Secretory phase







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