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12 G Vocab Week 2.

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Presentation on theme: "12 G Vocab Week 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 12 G Vocab Week 2

2 Vocabulary Square Word Part of Speech Definition And 2 Synonym
2 Antonym (or sentence) Picture

3 Medieval Adjective Pertaining to or characteristic of the style of the Middle Ages “The medieval architecture of the church dates adds to the mystique of the building.”

4 Druids Noun A member of a pre-Christian religious order
“The druids celebrated the summer solstice at Stonehenge this year.”

5 Revelry Noun Boisterous festivity
“Their revelry could be heard across the river.”

6 Beget Verb To procreate or generate (offspring)
“He died without begetting an heir to the throne.” (begotten)

7 Peerless Adjective Having no equal – matchless, unrivaled
“The show's enduring success was a testimony to the peerless talents of its ensemble cast.”

8 Conquest Noun Anything aquired by winning, as a nation, territory, spoils, favor, affection “Tales about Antony’s conquest of Cleopatra are known by many after reading Shakespeare’s play, Antony and Cleopatra.”

9 Wrought Adjective Produced or shaped by beating with a hammer (iron, silver, etc). “An antique, wrought iron fence was destroyed in the hurricane force winds.”

10 Strife Noun Bitter conflict, quarrel, struggle, discord
“In order to avoid family strife, the children spend equal time during the holidays with both of their grandmothers.”

11 Monarchy Noun Supreme power or sovereignty held by a single person or family “The Tudor monarchy in England lasted from 1485 until 1603.”

12 Renaissance Noun a movement or period in Europe of vigorous artistic and intellectual activity (art, music, literature, religion, science, “The Renaissance period started in Italy in the 14th century, spread through out Europe, and lasted until the 17th century.”

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