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Parenthood What are some responsibilities of a parent?

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Presentation on theme: "Parenthood What are some responsibilities of a parent?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Parenthood What are some responsibilities of a parent?

2 Teaching Self-Discipline and Self-Control n The parents who are most effective in helping their children learn self-discipline and self- control are those who: n Set limits for their children n Are consistent in their actions n Are neither too strict nor too permissive n Discuss acceptable behaviors with their children n Listen to their children and pay attention to their feelings

3 Parenthood n Why are there such strict laws for those who want to drive a car, but there are not strict standards for more important roles of becoming a parent?

4 Before Becoming a Parent n Parent – someone who guides a child to responsible adulthood. –One of the most important tasks in society. n There are no rules for being a parent, no test to take, unless you are planning to adopt. –Adoption is a long process, people who want children can often be denied. –Whereas people who may not want children can have unintended/unwanted pregnancies.

5 Responsibilities of Parenthood n The three “Rs” of parenting –The reasons you want to have the child –The responsibilities you will have as a parent –The resources you will need to raise a child. n Children are a big responsibility, they are needy and expensive. Raising a child from birth to 18 can cost upwards of $200,000 or more! That doesn’t even include the cost of college…

6 Reasons People Want to Become Parents n Many times, the reasons people give for wanting to become parents center around themselves, not the best interest of a child. –What are some reasons people want to become parents?

7 Reasons People Want to Become Parents n Build up one’s ego –To have a child who looks like me –To carry on the family name –To have a child who will inherit the family business, money, or property n To compensate for something that is missing –To improve one’s marriage –To make up for one’s unhappy childhood n To live vicariously through your child… –To feel more secure as a male or female

8 Reasons People Want to Become Parents n To conform to what peers are doing or what others expect –To please one’s parents n “You’ve been married for 3 years now when are you going to have my grandbabies?” –To do what one’s peers are doing n “You don’t want to be the only couple without children!” –To avoid criticism for being childless n To love and guide someone –To have the satisfaction of loving a child –To help a child grow and develop –To teach a child how to be responsible

9 Responsibilities of parenthood n Learn age appropriate development to have realistic expectations for the child n Teach rules to ensure health and safety n Teach with a positive attitude n Care for a child as the child grows and develops –Help the child develop emotional, social, verbal, intellectual and motor skills

10 Responsibilities of parenthood n Teach Self-discipline and self control with effective discipline, not abuse n Discipline – the training that develops self discipline and self control –Preventative Discipline – training in which a parent explains correct behavior and the consequences of wrong behavior. (ex: Don’t put your toys away you can’t use them)

11 Responsibilities of parenthood n Behavior Modification – a disciplinary technique in which positive rewards are used to encourage desirable behavior and negative consequences to stop undesirable behavior. n Logical consequences of discipline – a disciplinary technique in which the child is allowed the opportunity to experience the results of undesirable behavior so that he or she will want to change the undesirable behavior. (Ex: student constantly forgets homework, kid calls mom, mom doesn’t bring the homework, kid gets a zero.)

12 Resources needed for parenthood n Having a child is an additional cost n For many families there is an additional loss of income during maternity leave n Financial consideration is important when deciding to have children n Extended family support

13 Resources needed for parenthood n What types of things are needed for babies? –There are a lot of expenses that add up in the first year of a baby’s life!

14 Parenthood Review n What are the three “Rs” to consider before becoming a parent? n How does behavior modification differ from logical consequence discipline? n What are 3 important responsibilities of parents? n In your opinion, does a mother or father have more responsibility for the baby? Explain your answer!

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