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Figures of Speech Simile Metaphor Hyperbole Alliteration Onomatopoeia Personification.

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2 Figures of Speech Simile Metaphor Hyperbole Alliteration Onomatopoeia Personification

3 2 Simile Definition: A comparison of two things using the words like or as Example: The man jumped like a kangaroo when he heard the news. SimileMetaphorSimileMetaphor Hyperbole AlliterationPersonification OnomatopoeiaHyperboleAlliterationPersonificationOnomatopoeia

4 3 Metaphor Definition: a comparison of two things by saying one thing is another thing Example: The sound of the rain was music to my ears. SimileMetaphorSimileMetaphor Hyperbole AlliterationPersonification OnomatopoeiaHyperboleAlliterationPersonificationOnomatopoeia

5 4 Hyperbole Definition: an exaggeration Example: The soccer player kicked the ball a mile. SimileMetaphorSimileMetaphor Hyperbole AlliterationPersonification OnomatopoeiaHyperboleAlliterationPersonificationOnomatopoeia

6 5 Alliteration Definition: repetition of a letter or sounds, usually at the beginning of words Example: The spooky sounds sent shivers up my spine. SimileMetaphorSimileMetaphor Hyperbole AlliterationPersonification OnomatopoeiaHyperboleAlliterationPersonificationOnomatopoeia

7 6 Personification Definition: giving human qualities to inanimate objects Example: Time was flying quickly. SimileMetaphorSimileMetaphor Hyperbole AlliterationPersonification OnomatopoeiaHyperboleAlliterationPersonificationOnomatopoeia

8 7 Definition: Words which suggest the sound of what they are describing. Example: “Boom” went the fireworks as they exploded in the sky. SimileMetaphorSimileMetaphor Hyperbole AlliterationPersonification OnomatopoeiaHyperboleAlliterationPersonificationOnomatopoeia

9 8 Credits Ponchielli, Amilcare. “La Gioconda.”The Classical Child at the Ballet. 1997.

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