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Evolution: leveraging the cloud for content management james mundie: penn state world campus.

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Presentation on theme: "Evolution: leveraging the cloud for content management james mundie: penn state world campus."— Presentation transcript:

1 evolution: leveraging the cloud for content management james mundie: penn state world campus

2 discussion points background challenges systems philosophy demo

3 background

4 key terms the cloud - hosted software meant to replace desktop or server software; hosted means ‘on the internet’ quickbase - a cloud-based database application evolution - lightweight world campus learning design software for delivery-time server side content management

5 us.



8 them.



11 it’s not about us.

12 it’s about all of us.



15 enormous GROWTH potential: for the foreseeable future

16 growth translates into $$ ($$ means revenue for the colleges)

17 challenges

18 challenge: systems and processes must keep up with growth

19 challenge: adult distance learners have unique needs time/space/funding constraints concerns over quality of experience institutional reputation a vast buffet of options

20 other challenges challenge: our partners have varying definitions of quality and success challenge: our students are savvy consumers -- like it or not challenge: higher ed is a unique business in that students must earn the degree(s) they pay for

21 philosophy

22 why do it this way? LMS alone not meeting all of our needs (but still fills an important niche) software changes frequently, but we are not in the position to always be chasing the next shiny thing our portfolio spans the entire university our goal is to free designers to design, faculty to teach, and students to learn must keep costs down, but remain innovative

23 philosophy: build a solid foundation

24 philosophy: create scalable solutions

25 philosophy: be flexible

26 philosophy: know the market

27 what is an “online course”?

28 phase 1: startup (~2000 - 2005)


30 phase 2: maturation (2005 - ~2009)

31 phase 3: future






37 demo 1: quickbase dashboard

38 educational technologist dashboard example


40 id dashboard example

41 other possibilities q/a & copyright permissions dashboard - displays courses with pending permissions requests, courses submitted for q/a testing director of learning design - displays reports based on all courses dashboard for academic partners or other units not directly connected to learning design

42 demo 2: courses and sections

43 course section example

44 course section example cont’d

45 reporting example 1

46 reporting example 2

47 reporting example 3

48 course file manager example 1

49 course file manager example 2

50 course file manager example 3

51 next steps

52 next steps: rally around standards

53 next steps: reverse the information flow

54 next steps: achieve reuse at a broader outreach level

55 james mundie manager, educational technology psu world campus twitter: @jmundie all images copyright jmundie, psuworldcampus, or aromano

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