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Rebekah Ha Leah Shteynman Marlon Whitney The Cell Cycle.

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Presentation on theme: "Rebekah Ha Leah Shteynman Marlon Whitney The Cell Cycle."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rebekah Ha Leah Shteynman Marlon Whitney The Cell Cycle

2 period between cell divisions eukaryotic cells spend most time in includes g1, S, g2 Interphase

3 first phase of mitosis duplicated chromosomes condense causes nucleolus to disappear spindle microtubules form originate from centrioles new pair forms during interphase near previous pair Prophase

4 middle phase/stage 2 kinetochores pull toward opposite poles While microtubules lengthen/shorted until chromosome lines up along equator with 1 kinetochore facing each pole sister chromatids separate and are pulled to opposite poles of the cell Metaphase

5 another phase of mitosis, sister chromatids separate Allows each kinetochore move its chromosome pole ward, nibbling off end of attached microtubule Each pole has a copy of chromosome Polar microtubules grab one another overlapping at equator, lengthen + push on one another forcing poles of cell apart Anaphase

6 a nuclear envelope forms around each group of chromosomes end stage Spindle microtubules disintegrate, nuclear envelope forms around each group of chromosomes Those revert to extended state, nucleoli reform Telophase

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