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Review of the Scientific Method Chapter 1. Scientific Method – –Organized, logical approach to scientific research. Not a list of rules, but a general.

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Presentation on theme: "Review of the Scientific Method Chapter 1. Scientific Method – –Organized, logical approach to scientific research. Not a list of rules, but a general."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review of the Scientific Method Chapter 1

2 Scientific Method – –Organized, logical approach to scientific research. Not a list of rules, but a general guideline.

3 Scientific Method Steps – –Observation Gathering information with the five senses. – –Identification of a Problem – –Formation of a Hypothesis A possible explanation or solution to the problem. Based on facts. Can be tested.

4 Scientific Method Steps – –Test the Hypothesis Experimentation Additional Observation – –Analysis of Results – –Conclusion – –Report Results

5 Controlled Experiments Controlled Experiment – –An investigation that tests a hypothesis by collecting information under controlled conditions.

6 Controlled Experiments Controlled Conditions – –Control Group Standard against which results are compared. – –Experimental Group Test group which receives experimental treatment.

7 Controlled Experiments Variables Constants – –Factors that can change in an experiment. Independent variable Variable the you change Dependent variable Variable that you measure –Factors that do not change in an experiment.

8 Controlled Experiments Quantitative Data Qualitative Data –Measured in numbers. –Described in words.

9 Controlled Experiments Repetition – –Must repeat experiments many times with large sample groups in order to be valid.

10 Controlled Experiments Bias – –Your own personal opinion. – –Should not be a part of science.

11 Hypothesis, Theories, and Laws Theory – –An explanation or model supported by results of many experiments or observations. – –Provides a general explanation for scientific observations that is consistent with known facts. – –Usually explains many hypotheses.

12 Hypothesis, Theories, and Laws Laws – –A rule that describes the behavior of something in nature. Usually explains what will happen but not why. – –To become a law, a theory must be proven correct every time it is tested.

13 Technology Technology – –Use of scientific discoveries for practical purposes. Develops and build upon itself over time.

14 Limits of Science Science – –Cannot provide answers to questions that deal with ethics (morals) or beliefs (ex. religion).

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