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March 4, 1865 Lincoln Promises No Malice in Second Inaugural Address.

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1 March 4, 1865 Lincoln Promises No Malice in Second Inaugural Address

2 ✤ March 4, 1865 ✤ As President Lincoln took his oath at inaugural ceremonies in front of the Capitol Saturday, he held out the olive branch to Confederate Americans. ✤ Lincoln mentioned that the war was winding down to a Union victory, and that he wants to have the Union restored with Confederate states as soon as possible. ✤ His second inaugural speech had several very memorable phrases in it... ✤ “With Malice towards none; with charity for all... Let us strive on to finish the work we are in; to bind up the Nation’s wounds” ✤ A forgiving Union leader hoping to restore unity, Lincoln takes office for his second term.

3 April 6, 1865 Saylor’s Creek: Last Battle of the War?

4 ✤ April 6, 1865 ✤ Retreating and trying to stay together, Confederate forces under Robert E. Lee encountered Union troops at Saylor’s Creek, and in spite of a Rebel countercharge, the brief one-day engagement was a Union victory. ✤ In the wake of the battle, some 8,000 Confederates surrendered. Roughly 1/3 of Lee’s army, this is the largest number to wave the white flag in any North American war. ✤ On this “Black Thursday,” Lee continued to retreat west. ✤ Lee’s comment when told of the mass surrender? “My God! Has my army dissolved?

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