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Slide 1 People Department Interim Strategic Director Bristol’s Budget Consultation (CYPS) 2014/15 to 2016/17 Isobel Cattermole – Interim Strategic Director.

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Presentation on theme: "Slide 1 People Department Interim Strategic Director Bristol’s Budget Consultation (CYPS) 2014/15 to 2016/17 Isobel Cattermole – Interim Strategic Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slide 1 People Department Interim Strategic Director Bristol’s Budget Consultation (CYPS) 2014/15 to 2016/17 Isobel Cattermole – Interim Strategic Director (People)

2 Slide 2 People Department Interim Strategic Director Children, Young People and Skills The services we provide:- Ensuring that there are enough school and early years places (and looking after buildings) Early help and targeted support e.g. Children's Centre's, Bristol Youth links, Troubled Families Programme etc., with requests channeled through our newly formed “First Response” service. Social care services for children – the arrangements for taking children into care, looking after them once they are in our care and keeping in contact with them once they have left our care

3 Slide 3 People Department Interim Strategic Director Children, Young People and Skills Services for children and young adults with Special Educational Needs or disabilities – working jointly with health providers and adult services Supporting and challenging schools and educational setting to raise standards and championing the needs of vulnerable young people Developing the skills of adults, particularly those who are out of work and have low levels of literacy and numeracy

4 Slide 4 People Department Interim Strategic Director Our Key Budget Proposals There are some things we are already doing. These form part of our Children First Programme which started over a year ago. In 2014/15, this will save approximately £3.1m. Within the Mayors budget proposals, there are some further additional savings relating to:  Children’s Centre's and Early Years support  Home to School Transport  Asset Management

5 Slide 5 People Department Interim Strategic Director Children’s Centres and Early Years We propose to:  Change the way we fund and provide Children Centre's and Early Years services to ensure that funding is targeted on families with the greatest need.  Reduce the amount we spend on training and development, in recognition that there is now a strong network of support and sharing of best practice amongst providers.  Reshape services to avoid gaps and duplication. We believe this will save £1,528,000 in 3 years

6 Slide 6 People Department Interim Strategic Director Home to School Transport We propose to:  Ensure those who really need home to school transport are the ones who get the support.  Look at how we buy transport and make sure we get good value for money from contractors.  Make sure education places and schools are closer to where they live - we have identified £6m of capital to start providing new buildings. We believe this will save £1,281,000 in 3 years

7 Slide 7 People Department Interim Strategic Director Asset Management We propose to:  Ensure the cost of staff involved in delivering capital projects in included within the funding of the projects they support.  This is a technical change about how we pay for things it will not result in a loss of service. We believe this will save £117,000 in 2014/15

8 Slide 8 People Department Interim Strategic Director Equalities Impacts Equalities Impact Assessments for all savings available through the Budget Consultation or on the Children First Web Page: We think the main impact of our proposals (taking account of existing Children First savings and new proposals) will be:  Top 2 protected characteristics at the highest risk of disadvantage: Disability Gender

9 Slide 9 People Department Interim Strategic Director Disability Impacts We believe that there will be positive and negative impacts:  Positive impacts: Improved infrastructure (school places and specialist provision) Greater choice/control e.g. personal budgets Service integration e.g. joined up assessment processes  Negative impacts: Some people wont get a service they have now e.g. withdrawal of home to school transport

10 Slide 10 People Department Interim Strategic Director Gender Impacts We believe that there will be the following negative impacts for service users and staff:  Service Users: Women will be disproportionately affected by changes as a greater proportion of women than men are carers  Staff: The majority of employees are women. Therefore, any headcount reductions will have a disproportionate impact upon women

11 Slide 11 People Department Interim Strategic Director Equalities Impacts We would welcome your views on:  Our assessments to-date and in particular any impacts we might not have flagged  Actions we could take to mitigate any potential impact upon equalities groups'

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