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Clear Communication, Better Future Interview Questions.

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Presentation on theme: "Clear Communication, Better Future Interview Questions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Clear Communication, Better Future Interview Questions

2 Types of Questions 1. Closed questions 2. Open-ended questions 3. Hypothetical open-ended questions 4. Probing questions 5. Third-party questions 6. Leading, loaded; and illegal questions

3 Closed Questions Asks for a direct and relatively closed answers Yes/No Fill-in-the-blank Multiple choice

4 Open-Ended Questions Asks respondents to answer in unstructured ways, allowing them to have freedom in setting the tone and pace of the interview Example: Describe a recent situation that gave you a lot of satisfaction in dealing with a client?

5 Hypothetical Open-Ended Questions Hypothetical scenario set by interviewer and asks for a solution to or analysis of it Does not follow a set format Example: Suppose that an irate customer asks to speak with the customer service coordinator. You have been hired for that role. How would handle the person?

6 Probing Questions Follows the response to a previous question and asks for more information Example: “I understand your point, but why do it that way?”

7 Third Party Questions Less threatening way of asking a question is to ask about general third party views and not their personal ones Avoids putting someone on the spot or intimidating them

8 Leading Questions Asks the respondent for a specific, predetermined response Leading someone to the desired anwser Example: “Our sales team’s potential has not lived up to expectations. What do you think?”

9 Loaded Questions Implies guilt or fault, no matter how the individual anwers Double-edged sword Example: “ Have you stopped coming in late?”

10 Illegal Questions Delving into certain personal topics that are irrevelent Examples include: Age, Gender, and Appearance Marital Status and Family Physical disabilities Religion and Political Beliefs

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