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MRS. BENEFIELD’S 7 TH GRADE MATH Class Policies and Procedures.

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Presentation on theme: "MRS. BENEFIELD’S 7 TH GRADE MATH Class Policies and Procedures."— Presentation transcript:

1 MRS. BENEFIELD’S 7 TH GRADE MATH Class Policies and Procedures

2 TEACHER’S CREED  As your teacher, I will not tolerate any student in this classroom stopping me from teaching for any reason whatsoever.

3 TEACHER’S CREED  As your teacher, I will not tolerate any student in this classroom stopping another student from learning for any reason whatsoever.

4 TEACHER’S CREED  As your teacher, I will not tolerate any student in this classroom doing anything that is not in the their best interest or in the best interest of the class.

5 TEACHER’S CREED  As your teacher, I am a member of this class. There are two things you never do to me.

6 TEACHER’S CREED 1.No manipulations. 2.Never question my management system when I am teaching



9 NEGATIVES  Warning  Last From Class  Motivator / Phone Call hone Conference  Phone Conference  Administrator Referral

10 SEVERE CLAUSE  If you put yourself or anyone else in harm’s way or compromise our safe environment, this will result in immediate administrator referral or removal from the classroom.

11 COMING INTO CLASS  You will enter my classroom in a quiet manner and find YOUR seat.  Any items other than class materials will be placed in the tub by the door. (that means purses also)  Begin your POD/bellwork without being told.  Have your homework out for me to check. (more about hw later)  Sharpen pencils BEFORE class begins.

12 DURING CLASS  Please raise your hand if you have a question.  NO BLURTING!  Don’t get out of your seat without permission.  Wait until instructional time is over to sharpen your pencils or to throw away trash.

13 LEAVING CLASS  I dismiss the class. NOT THE BELL!  Girls will leave first on Mondays and Wednesdays. (Boys will pick trash up off of the floor)  Boys will leave first on Tuesdays and Thursdays. (Girls will pick trash up off of the floor)  Fridays – I will choose who leaves first. (yes, that means an extra trash day for those not chosen)

14 HOMEWORK  Homework is due at the beginning of class.  I will be stamping your homework.  Late homework will only be worth 50%.  I will only accept it one day late.  You will receive up to 5 pts. Per homework assignment. These will be added together for the weeks homework grade. Ex. 5 homeworks will be 25/25 for a 100%.

15 GRADING  50% Assessments  30% Inside of Class Work  20% Outside of Class Work

16 TARDY TO CLASS  DO NOT COME TO MY CLASS LATE!  If you are late, you will sign the tardy log.  This will automatically give you the next level in the discipline policy.  If you have a good reason for being late, bring me your pass and I will discuss it with you at the end of class. (you still have to sign the tardy book)

17 BATHROOM  Please use the bathroom during your break or lunch.  I will allow 5 bathroom emergencies per quarter.  If you exceed your limit, you will exchange bathroom time for your break time. PROCEDURE: 1.If possible, wait until instructional time is over. 2.Raise your hand and ask for a bathroom pass. 3.Fill out the IN/OUT log book completely.

18 CLEAN ENVIRONMENT  Absolutely no FOOD or DRINK in my classroom. (unless I give it to you) *especially sunflower seeds!!!!!!!!!  Please don’t throw trash or tiny bits of “stuff” on the floor.  If you have intestinal issues, please ask to be excused to the hallway or bathroom for a moment.  Return all materials in the same way that you received them.

19 COMMON QUESTIONS  If my pencil breaks during class what do I do?  If I don’t have materials for class, what do I do?  If I need to throw away trash, what do I do?  If I need to ask a question, what do I do?  If I can’t stand the person next to me, what do I do?  If I need to see the nurse, what do I do?

20 COMMON QUESTIONS  What if I have to use the restroom before class starts? 

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