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Welcome to Open House! Mrs. Brewer and Mrs. Kleppner August 19,2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Open House! Mrs. Brewer and Mrs. Kleppner August 19,2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Open House! Mrs. Brewer and Mrs. Kleppner August 19,2015

2 Welcome to Third Grade!  Today, we will introduce you to our classrooms and our routines.  If you have any questions during the presentation, please feel free to ask.  If you want to talk about your individual child, feel free to schedule a parent teacher conference.

3 Daily Routine Mrs. Brewer’s Homeroom 8:30-8:35Homeroom 8:35-11:15 (M, T, Th)ELA 8:35-10:45 (W, F)ELA 10:50-11:15Math, Science, and Social Studies 11:15-11:45Lunch 11:45-1:45Math, Science, and Social Studies 1:45-2:30P.E. 2:30-3:10 (M, T, Th)Math, Science, and Social Studies 2:30-3:10 (W, F) Exploratory Classes 3:10-3:20Pack Up/Dismissal

4 Daily Routine Mrs. Kleppner’s Homeroom 8:30-8:35Homeroom 8:35-11:15 (M, T, Th)Math, Science, Social Studies 8:35- 10:45(W, F)Math, Science, Social Studies 10:50-11:15 (W, F)ELA 11:15-11:45Lunch 11:45-1:45ELA 1:45-2:30P.E. 2:30-3:10 (M, T, Th)ELA 2:30-3:10 (W, F)Exploratory Class 3:10-3:20Pack Up/Dismissal

5 Reading  We will focus on one chapter book per unit, and pull skills related to that book.  Tests will generally be on Tuesdays unless the schedule changes.  Students will be tested on Comprehension, Vocabulary and other skills (e.g. dictionary skills) taught during the week. There will be extended response (writing) required on most tests.

6 Reading  Homework: It is very important for your child to be able to read and understand the vocabulary words each week. The texts assigned for homework will be important for the test. Reading logs will be assigned weekly.  Reading Participation grades will come from classwork, homework, reading log and KidBiz 3000. **It is important for children to do these by themselves.  If your child does not complete KidBiz, their participation grade can go from 4.0 to a 2.7.

7 English  Tests will be given every week on Fridays. Worksheets will usually be assigned for homework. Keep an eye on the Wiki for changes.  Some grades will come from writings done in Writing class.  Class participation grades will come from spelling grades.

8 Spelling  A list of words will be given out on Mondays.  Students will choose 10 words from that list and focus on spelling patterns.  2 of their words will come from words that individual students need help with.  Spelling Tests on those 12 words will be on Thursdays.

9 Math Tests will be given after concepts are mastered, usually on Fridays. Homework given as a review of that day’s classwork. Grades will come from tests. Participation grades will come from homework, classwork, and First in Math/Pop Quizzes. If your child does not complete their First in Math for the week, their participation grade can go from a 4.0 to a 2.7.

10 Science Science is not a promotional subject, but does count toward honor roll and is averaged with ELA, math and social studies to obtain a student’s GPA. Homework is given two or three days a week – usually what has not been completed in class. Experiments will be done in class. There will be a total of 7 grades in Infinite Campus each quarter (usually 5 tests and 2 participation grades). The participation grade is an average of 4 weeks of classwork and homework.

11 Social Studies Social Studies is not a promotional subject, but does count toward honor roll and is averaged with ELA, math and science to obtain a student’s GPA. Content – Louisiana Studies Homework is given two or three days each week – usually what has not been completed in class. There will be a total of 7 grades in Infinite Campus each quarter (usually 5 tests and 2 participation grades). The participation grade is an average of 4 weeks of classwork and homework.

12 Behavior Management Process  Sign the Book  We notify weekly in (green) Communication Folders  Class-Wide Rewards  Individual Consequences  Positive Behavior Events – PBIS – Need all As and Bs (from both teachers) in weekly communication folder to go to Fun Friday at the end of the month. Need an average of A or B (from both teachers) to attend the quarterly celebration at the end of the nine weeks.  Excellent Behavior – NEW Requirement – To receive an Excellent Behavior Award each nine weeks, students need to have a 3.7 average or higher.

13 Homework  We will assign 1 to 1½ hours of homework each night, Mondays - Thursdays. This includes 15 minutes of reading.  Homework is part of the participation grade in each subject.  Homework will NOT be accepted late after the first interim report in the first quarter. Your child will receive a 0 for that day’s homework participation grade.

14 ELA classes  2 Writing classes per week  2 French classes per week  1 Library/Informational Resources class per week

15 Make-Up Work  Students are allowed one day for every day they are absent to make up work that is missed.  Tests are usually made-up on the day students return.

16 Graded Papers  Graded papers go home every Wednesday.  Please sign and return the tests and the communication sheet the next day.  Students are required to have seven grades per quarter.  If the tests have a lot of writing to grade, it may take up to two Wednesdays to get them home.

17 SUPPLY FEE IS DUE!  Please pay your child’s supply fees as soon as possible. The fee is $25. All of the money is put back into our classrooms in the form of materials and supplies your child will use this year.  The class membership fee is $20 which helps us with holiday parties and the Jubilee project.  Students must wear IDs daily. IDs (2) are $10.

18 When Money Comes to School: Please put all money in a sealed envelope. All envelopes should be labeled with the child’s name, the teacher’s name, the amount, and the purpose for sending the money.

19 Marrero Academy Title 1 School Improvement Resources Achieve 3000 First in Math Brain Pop and Brain Pop Jr. Starfall True Flix Book Flix Wordly Wise Paper Saturday Tutoring (grades 3-5) Parent Involvement Funds Literacy Night Math and Science Night Parent Informational Meeting for LEAP/iLEAP/PARCC The following services/resources are provided through the use of Title 1 funds: 2015-2016 Budget=$35,646.65

20 Let’s Have a Great Year! THANK YOU FOR COMING!!!

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