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When it's time to change your tune: Advising students out of a major Aisha Torrey-Sawyer, M.Ed Director, Neeley Academic Advising Center Zoranna Jones,

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Presentation on theme: "When it's time to change your tune: Advising students out of a major Aisha Torrey-Sawyer, M.Ed Director, Neeley Academic Advising Center Zoranna Jones,"— Presentation transcript:

1 When it's time to change your tune: Advising students out of a major Aisha Torrey-Sawyer, M.Ed Director, Neeley Academic Advising Center Zoranna Jones, M.S. Director, Academic Resource Center Texas Christian University

2  Business – Application process  Nursing – Direct Entry Academic Standards

3  Family and Friends  Prestige  Money, power and success  Social and cultural influences  Recommendations of teacher or mentor  Career exploration Why Students Select Certain Majors?

4  Astin’s I-E-O Model and Theory of Involvement *  1. Inputs – demographics, student background, previous experiences  2. Environment – range of experiences encountered during college  3. Outcomes – characteristics, knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, values, etc. that exist after college * Theory

5  Why students may need to select another major:  Unable to continue in the current major  Not happy with the major but unsure of other major options Approaches and Tools to Guide Students to Select Another Major

6  Poor Academics  Meet with student  Determine cause of poor academic performance  Identify students methods  Discuss why the student chose this major, what are the desired outcomes  Determine a student action plan Parent/student or spouse/student meeting (remember FERPA) Homework Timeline  Follow-up meeting Assess, discuss new information, and assist student with change of major request Unable to Continue in Current Major

7  Meet with student  Determine the reason the student wants to change their major  Discuss why the student chose this major, what are the desired outcomes, what are other areas of interest, what classes do they enjoy  Determine a student action plan Homework Tips for students to talk to parents/spouse – May be VERY pertinent if they have been influential in selecting the major  Follow-up meeting (repeat if necessary)  Timeline, assess, and discuss new information, meet with parents if needed, assist student with change of major request Not Happy with the Major but Unsure of Other Major Options

8  Initiate the conversation  Ask stimulating, open-ended questions  Develop a realistic plan incorporating campus resources  Follow-up Your Role as the Advisor

9  Progression letters - require the meeting  Academic holds applied  Invite the student to come in to meet  Referrals from other Faculty/Staff Initiating the Conversation

10  How did you become interested in this major?  What other majors have you explored? Why?  Are you enjoying the courses you are taking?  If you could do any type of work, what would it be?  In this major you will have to do ____, can you do that?  In this profession you will have to do ___, can you do that ? Questions to Stimulate Thought

11  Homework  Career services  Interviews with professionals in other areas of interest  Research other academic departments  Research other areas and their degree requirements  Counseling center  Academic Services  Parent conversation  Timeline on completion of homework  Follow-up (repeat if needed)  Assess and discuss new information  Assist student with change of major request  Meet with parent/spouse if needed Develop a Plan


13  As an audience do you have any scenarios where you can apply this streamlined process?  Do you have any success stories you would like to share? Scenarios

14  Aisha Torrey-Sawyer, M.Ed  Director, Neeley Academic Advising Center   Zoranna Jones, M.S.  Director, Academic Resource Center  Questions?

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