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By Jason, Jahleal, Matthew and Hailey What A Frog Looks Like!

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2 By Jason, Jahleal, Matthew and Hailey

3 What A Frog Looks Like!

4 Life cycle !!!!!!! Watch this amazing video! Was the video amazing??!! It showed us the life cycle of a frogs.

5 EGG !!!!!!  Frogs and Toads tend to lay many eggs because there are many DANGERS.  They lay many eggs because the eggs can get eaten by a fish, damaged by pollution, or if their habitat gets destroyed they could be crushed

6 TADPOLE!!!!!!  The tadpole has weak gills, a mouth, and a tail. It's very fragile at this point.  7 to 10 days after the tadpole hatches, it will begin to swim around.

7 TADPOLE WITH LEGS !!!!!!  After about 6 to 9 weeks, little tiny legs start to sprout.  The head becomes BIGGER and the body longer.  By now the diet may include larger items like dead insects and even plants.

8 FROG!!!!  It takes 12 to 16 weeks to complete life cycle.  Now these frogs will start the whole process again...finding mates and creating new froggies.

9 Frog’s Habitat Frogs live near trees and ponds. Also they live in swamps and rainforests AWESOME frog jumping video

10 A Frogs Diet Small frogs eat bugs such as worms, crickets, grasshoppers, and roaches Larger frogs may eat small mice They also eat snakes

11 Birds eat frogs. Hedgehogs eat frogs. Lizards eat frogs. Snakes eat frogs. Turtles eat frogs. I want 2 frogs as a snack right now!

12 Frogs have special eyes so they can see in all different directions Some frogs have sticky feet so they can cling on to trees Frogs are cold-blooded so they can hibernate under mud or large piles of leaves frog climbing!

13 There are a lot of different frog species watch this frog croaking I'm a poison Dart frog! I’m a tree frog! I am a toad! I’m a yellow dyer tree frog!


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