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Prometheus retold by : Amy Pickett, Hunter Martin, Maggie Coughlin, and Jordan Reynolds.

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Presentation on theme: "Prometheus retold by : Amy Pickett, Hunter Martin, Maggie Coughlin, and Jordan Reynolds."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prometheus retold by : Amy Pickett, Hunter Martin, Maggie Coughlin, and Jordan Reynolds

2 Over a thousand years ago, two Titan brothers, unlike the other Olympians, lived on earth. Their names were Prometheus and Epimetheus.

3 According to the myth, Prometheus created a man out of mud. Athena gave life to the creature and Epithemeus gave it traits. Zeus declared that the humans would give some of their food to the Olympians.

4 Prometheus layed out two piles of meat from animals. He wrapped the edible meat inside the animal hide. He wrapped bones from the animal in fat. Zeus choose the fat wrapped package and he was furious when he realized that he had been tricked.

5 To get revenge, Zeus banned man from having fire. Prometheus knew the people on earth needed fire to survive. He visited Hephaestus and stole a fiery torch off his wall.

6 Prometheus snuck off Olympus. He brought the fire to Earth and gave it to man. He taught them how to control it with water. When Zeus saw the fires lit on the Earth, he demanded Prometheus be brought to him immediately.

7 Prometheus was harshly punished. He was to be chained to the side of Mount Caucas. Every day an eagle would come and pick out his liver. Every night the liver would grow back.

8 After many years, Chiron the centaur said he would die for Prometheus.

9 Soon after, Hercules rescued Prometheus and killed the eagle.

10 As further punishment, Zeus created a woman. He named her Pandora. He gave her to Epimetheus, with a jar she was forbidden to open. Epimetheus could not resist her beauty. He sent her to earth to live with man.


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