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Medical Terminology Word Building.

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1 Medical Terminology Word Building

2 Medical Terms A word or phrase made up of a combination of elements to express a specific idea. Element + Element + Element = Medical Term hemi + gastr + ectomy = hemigastrectomy (surgical removal of half of the stomach)

3 Basic Elements To analyze medical words, you need to understand four elements that are used to form words. Prefix Root Combining form Suffix An element is a word part used to form a medical term. Each element has its own meaning.

4 epi- (above), hypo- (below, deficient)
Prefix used at the beginning of a medical term changes in some manner the meaning OR makes it more specific epi- (above), hypo- (below, deficient)

5 Root main element in a medical term
frequently more than one root element within the term gastroenterology always the subject or main topic of the medical term frequently a body part root root

6 Rhinoplasty = Rhin/o/plasty
Combining Form Word root with a combining vowel Rhinoplasty = Rhin/o/plasty Combing Form Suffix Root Combing Vowel

7 Suffix used at the end of a medical term (after the root element)
describes a condition of a body part OR action to a body part

8 How Do We Figure this Out?
Simple 4 step process 1.Identify the word parts in a term 2.Assign meanings to the word parts 3.Reverse the meaning of the suffix to the front of your definition 4.Define the term

9 Let’s Look at an Example
Prefix Root Suffix Medical Term hemi + gastr + ectomy = hemigastrectomy half stomach surgical removal = surgical removal of half the stomach

10 Let’s Look at an Example
Prefix Root Suffix Medical Term (none) + gastr + itis = gastritis stomach inflammation = inflammation of the stomach

11 Quick Review!

12 Main element of a medical term is called the ______?
Prefix Suffix Combining vowel Root

13 Word part that appears at the end of the term is called _________.
Prefix Suffix Combining vowel Root

14 What are the 4 steps in translating medical terms?
Identify Assign Reverse Define

15 Combining Vowels Vowel used between two elements of a medical term to make the term easier to pronounce. Usually “o”, “i”, less frequently “u”. enter/o/plasty blephar/o/spasm

16 Combining Vowels The combining vowel links a root to suffix that begins with a consonant to make the pronunciation less awkward scler-derma becomes scler/o/derma mast-dynia becomes mast/o/dynia arthr-plasty becomes arth/o/plasty Consonants!

17 Combining Vowels A combining vowel is NOT used before a suffix that begins with a vowel. tonsill-itis becomes tonsill/itis scler-osis becomes scler/osis gastr-ectomy is gastr/ectomy See the vowel?!

18 Combining Vowels When a combining vowel ends with the same vowel that begins a suffix, one of the vowels is dropped. endocarditis endo-inside; cardi – heart; itis -inflammation The “i” on the end of “cardi” is dropped

19 Combining Vowels When a word has more than one root, a combining vowel is also used to link the roots to each other. leukocytopenia leuk/o/cyt/o/penia Word roots: Leuk cyt Combining vowels: o (twice!) Suffix: penia

20 Combing Vowels When two or more combining forms are used in a term, the combining vowel stays regardless of whether the second combining form begins with a vowel or a consonant gastroenteritis The “o” stays despite the vowel “e” Combining form – gastro (stomach) Combining form – entero (intestine)

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