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Teacher Satisfaction Whitney Zimmerman Christine Henry.

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Presentation on theme: "Teacher Satisfaction Whitney Zimmerman Christine Henry."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teacher Satisfaction Whitney Zimmerman Christine Henry

2 Getting Started… We started by thinking about why teachers start to teach teach, then got to thinking about why teachers keep teaching… All of this led us to wonder… How do schools keep teachers motivated and satisfied in their jobs?

3 The Process… We researched the topic of teacher satisfaction. We surveyed teachers at two very different middle schools. We compiled our research information with our survey data to create a plan for action.

4 Research shows… What is job satisfaction? Why do teachers stop teaching? What do teachers need in order to stay motivated and remain in the profession?

5 Job Satisfaction is… The match between employees, expectations of the job, and the rewards that the job provides.

6 Teachers leave teaching because of: the environment and conditions under which they work, a desire for further personal growth, a disconnect between their philosophy of education and that of their school and/or the educational system in general, and a lack of support and respect, and recognition of their efforts.


8 Teacher Survey Teacher Satisfaction Survey Name (Optional):___________________________________ Current School: ____________________________________ School District: ____________________________________ General Information 1. How many years have you been working at your current school? ________________ 2. How many years have you been in education? ____________________ 3. What grade and subject do you teach? ______________________________________ Satisfaction Questions 1. How long do you plan to remain in teaching? A. As long as I am able B. Until I am eligible for retirement C. Until something better comes along D. I would like to leave teaching now. E. Unknown Please briefly explain your answer: 2. If you could turn the clock back to your college days would you choose teaching as a career again? A. Certainly would B. Probably would C. Chances are about even D. Probably would not E. Certainly would not Please briefly explain your answer: 3. To what degree do you agree or disagree with the statement: “I sometimes feel it is a waste of my time to try to do my best as a teacher. A. Strongly agree B. Somewhat agree C. Somewhat disagree D. Strongly disagree Please briefly explain your answer:

9 Teacher Survey Continued Statement I like my students. I spend too much time dealing with discipline. I feel my students care about learning. I look forward to seeing my students. I feel my expectations of students are too high. Teaching is what I thought it would be. I am frustrated by the work I must do outside of school hours I look forward to each new school year. My job does not excite me anymore. I am respected by my colleagues. I am respected by my administration. I believe my school/district values its teachers. Overall, I feel supported by the administration. I am a good teacher. I am satisfied with the physical condition of my school building. My classroom meets the needs of myself and my students. I am glad that I chose teaching as my profession. My health has been negatively impacted by my school facility. Teachers were asked to rate the statements based on a scale of 1-5. 5 indicated that they strongly agreed with the statement 1 indicated that they strongly disagreed with the statement.

10 District Student Demographics

11 School Demographics

12 Faculty Demographics Reynolds Middle School 48 Total Teachers


14 Faculty Demographics Landisville Middle School 46 Total Teachers


16 Administrator Questionnaire General Information 1. How many years have you been at your current school? 2.How many years have you been in education? 3.How many years have you been in administration? Satisfaction Questions 1. How do you know if a teacher is satisfied in his/her job? What are the most important factors in teacher satisfaction? Rank in order of importance to teachers: _______ Salary/Benefits _______ Student Motivation/Behavior _______ Working Conditions: Facilities _______ Working Conditions: Class Size _______ Support from Administration 2. What percentage of the teachers in your building would you say are satisfied with their job? 3. How would you improve the level of satisfaction in your building? 4. What do you feel is a key motivator for your faculty?

17 The Plan Provide support from administration Make teachers feel both needed and respected A working environment that is both well maintained and conducive to teaching and learning. Shared leadership and a sense of ownership over decisions made in the school.

18 Teacher Satisfaction Whitney Zimmerman Christine Henry

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