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Prolegomena Lesson 20 CHAPTER 13: THE QUR’AN: CREATED OR ETERNAL WITH GOD? The Speech of the self Other than Ashaera Conclusion.

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1 Prolegomena Lesson 20 CHAPTER 13: THE QUR’AN: CREATED OR ETERNAL WITH GOD? The Speech of the self Other than Ashaera Conclusion

2 The influence of Greek philosophy on Muslim lives:- Differences lead to consider each others as disbelievers, and fight each other The issue of speech of god, did not exist in the time of the Prophet (AS), but it was discussed later to make the Muslims fight each other, so the issue came up that speech or talk could be either uttered or self speech, and the self speech is created or eternal and if eternal it is from essential divine self attributes or it is from His actions.

3 Essence (self) attributes and attributes of action:- 1.The self attributes (ZAATIYA): These attributes can not be taken away from God, and God is always characterized describe with it, every time and eternally, such as power, like knowledge. It is impossible to say God would not be knowledgeable even for a moment so the opposite of such attributes are impossible on God 2.Attributes of Action:- These cannot be described, and the opposite also can be described such as talking, God spoke to Moses and then opposite is God did not speak to Firoan (pharaoh), or He spoke to Moses on the Mount Sinai, and did not speak to him in Egypt. Creation, God created this and did not create that sustenance (RIZQ)

4 The Speech of the self: The Ashaera who said Quran is eternal with God they said because Quran is the self speech of God, and this attribute of God is from self attributes, which are eternal, and other than Ashera said that every type of speech is an action, such as God spoke and God did not speak, so it is from attributes of Action. The speak of soul or self or made up by Ashera to justify the eternity of Quran. Surprisingly some of them said even the uttered speech and the physical Book is also eternal, such opinion is more obscured than the speech of self.

5 Other than Ashaera:- They said that Quran the phrase and the wordings is undoubtedly a creation of God, and from the attributes of Action, and the knowledge is self which is in the Quran is no doubt eternal as mentioned previously that the knowledge is from the attributes of self.

6 Rejection of the speech of self as soul S. Alkhoei on page 270 denies and rebuts such type of speech in detail. The speech (words) reflects the meanings intentions and if some thing has phrase, words and sentence then it is a speech which reflects the meanings and intentions. But is called speech, yes it can be said that if a person phrases it in his mind then that could be speech of soul or self, But such is not restricted to speech, a person can imagine anything speech or other thing. And if that is what Ashaera meant, than that cannot be eternal, because forming words is an action, and if such happened then we can say God spoke and god did not speak, so the speech is created even if it was in the imagination before being uttered.

7 Conclusion :- The speech of soul or soul is a myth which is supported by neither religious evidence nor intellectual evidence. On the contrary Imam SADIQ (AS) said that speech is a creation of God.

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