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TOPIC: EARLY HUMAN MIGRATION Essential Question: Why did early humans migrate and how?

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Presentation on theme: "TOPIC: EARLY HUMAN MIGRATION Essential Question: Why did early humans migrate and how?"— Presentation transcript:

1 TOPIC: EARLY HUMAN MIGRATION Essential Question: Why did early humans migrate and how?

2 PEOPLE ON THE MOVE  Old Stone Age (Paleolithic Era), the climate around the world began to change.  This also transformed the Earth’s geography  These changes forced people to migrate, or move, to new places  Early humans began this process as early as 2 million years ago.

3 ICE AGES  Scientists believe the cause for this migration was long periods of freezing weather, called the ice ages.  During this time, huge ice sheets covered much of the Earth.  This period began about 1.6 million years ago and ended about 10,000 years ago.

4 MORE ICE AGES  The ice was formed from ocean water, which significantly lowered the ocean level.  Many areas that are underwater today were dry land as a result.  Strips of land that connected continents, or land bridges, to be exposedland bridges  This allowed hominids to travel to many continents.


6 SETTLING NEW LANDS  Humans began to migrate from East to southern Africa  From there they spread out to Southeast Asia and Europe.  From there they could migrate to Australia.  However, it is still unclear as to how early hominids made it to Australia.

7 HOW DID WE GET HERE?  Land Bridge Theory  Most scholars believe that early humans crossed a land bridge from Asia to North America following herds of animals.  Coastal Theory  Humans followed the coasts either walking or in a simple boat.  Island Hopping Theory  Move between islands that are small distances apart until you reach your final destination. (Ex. Chains of islands in Indonesia to get to Australia)

8 ADAPTATIONS  Many of the new lands that humans migrated to had much colder climates.  There were also strange plants and animals that early humans had never seen before  In order to survive in their new homes, they had to adapt to their surroundings.

9 CLOTHING  Fire was used to keep people warm, however it was not enough.  People had to learn to sew animal skins together to make new warmer clothing.

10 SHELTER  These people first took shelter in caves, but not all areas had caves to live in.  The first homes were called pit houses.  These were pits in the ground with roofs of branches and leaves.  Above ground homes were also made.  Tents of animal skin.  Permanent structures made of wood, bones, stone, clay, etc.

11 Pit House & Mammoth House Example

12 TOOLS AND TECHNOLOGY  New uses for bones and stone tools were discovered.  Fishing hooks and spears  First Bow and Arrows  New technology improved their lives.  Canoes  Pottery  Pets

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