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NS 1300 Emergence of Modern Science Patterns of Inheritance.

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Presentation on theme: "NS 1300 Emergence of Modern Science Patterns of Inheritance."— Presentation transcript:

1 NS 1300 Emergence of Modern Science Patterns of Inheritance

2 How will the results of Human Genome Project change our lives forever?

3 Chromosomes

4 Mendel’s Laws Law of Segregation - homologous - chromosomes - gene pairs - alleles - homozygous - heterozygous - gene loci - gene frequency

5 Inheritance of a Single Trait Genotype Phenotype Gamete Formation (meiosis)

6 Monohybrid Crosses

7 Dihybrid Crosses

8 Incomplete Dominance

9 Polygenic Inheritance

10 Multiple Alleles

11 Sex-Linked Inheritance

12 Chromosomal Mutations

13 Nondisjunction

14 Viruses DNA Viruses RNA Viruses Retroviruses Adenoviruses

15 Quiz 1. T or F, genes are found on chromosomes. 2. T or F, homologous chromosomes are segregated independently during meisosis. 3. T or F, sex-linked traits are determined by genes on the Y chromosome. 4. T or F, non-disjunction can produce birth defects. 5. Use this monohybrid cross to answer the following question: Where A represents aggression and a a lack of aggression. If A is completely dominant over a, what are the odds of having aggressive offspring from this cross? A a X Aa


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