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12-4 Mutations Objective: Contrast gene mutations & chromosomal mutations Are all mutations bad?

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Presentation on theme: "12-4 Mutations Objective: Contrast gene mutations & chromosomal mutations Are all mutations bad?"— Presentation transcript:

1 12-4 Mutations Objective: Contrast gene mutations & chromosomal mutations Are all mutations bad?

2 What is a mutation? Changes in genetic information. Usually occurs in DNA replication.

3 Kinds of Mutations Gene Mutations: only changes 1 gene – Point Mutations occur when 1 or a few nucleotides change. – Ex: DNA: G A T C T C A G G C T A mRNA: C U A G A G U C C G A U Protien: Leu-Glu-Ser-Asp Original DNA: G A T C T A A G G C T A mRNA: C U A G A U U C C G A U Protien: Leu-Asp-Ser-Asp Mutation Oops!

4 Kinds of Mutations Chromosomal Mutations: change entire DNA – Frameshift mutations occur when the entire reading frame changes. – Ex: A nucleotide gets added (insertion). DNA: G A T C T C A G G C T A mRNA: C U A G A G U C C G A U Protien: Leu-Glu-Ser-Asp Original DNA: G A T C T A C A G G C T A mRNA: C U A G A U G U C C G A U Protien: Leu-Asp-Val-Arg Mutation A

5 Kinds of Mutations Chromosomal Mutations: change entire DNA – Frameshift mutations occur when the entire reading frame changes. – Ex: A nucleotide gets added (insertion). – Ex: A nucleotide gets taken away (deletion). DNA: G A T C T A G G C T A mRNA: C U A G A G U C C G A U Protien: Leu-Glu-Ser-Asp Original DNA: G A T C T A G G C T A A mRNA: C U A G A U C C G A U U Protien: Leu-Glu-Ser-Iso Mutation C

6 Kinds of Mutations Chromosomal Mutations: change entire DNA – Change in number of chromosomes. – Ex: Down Syndrome (47 chromosomes)

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