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The Nile River- the world’s longest river over 4,000 miles long.

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4 The Nile River- the world’s longest river over 4,000 miles long.


6 The Nile Delta


8 Yearly Flooding

9 The Nile River flowed north and the winds blew south. Southbound boats hoisted a wide sail.

10 Deserts Red Sea Mediterranean Sea cataracts


12 3100 BC King Menes united Upper and Lower Egypt

13 Pharaohs- Egyptian monarchs who ruled a Theocracy Theocracy: government based on divine rule Dynasty: series of rulers from the same family

14 Tombs for the mummified bodies of the pharaohs

15 Egyptian form of writing

16 New farmland created Nubians were conquered Pharaohs cared for the people

17  1652 BC- The Hyksos conquered Egypt using bronze weapons and horse drawn chariots

18 The New Kingdom 1567- 1085 BC Egyptian Empire Akhenaton introduced the worship of Aton as the sole god








26  Notes:  Egypt- the gift of the Nile   Nile River: The world’s longest river; over 4000 miles long.  Nile Delta: Lower Egypt-  The yearly flooding is called “the gift of the Nile”  The Nile flows from south to north out of Lake Victoria.  The winds blew south; southbound boats hoisted a wide sail.  The natural Barriers are:  deserts  Red Sea  Mediterranean Sea  cataracts  3100 BC – king Menes united Upper and Lower Egypt.  Upper Egypt: higher elevation, southern Egypt.  Lower Egypt: lower elevation, northern Egypt.   2700-2200 BC- The Old Kingdom  Pharaohs: Egyptian monarchs who ruled in theocracy.  Theocracy: government based on divine rule.  Dynasty: series of rules from one family.  Pyramids: tombs for the mummified bodies of the pharaohs.  Hieroglyphics: Egyptian form of writing.   2050-1652 BC-The Middle Kingdom  New farmland created.  Nubians were conquered.  Pharaohs cared for the people.  1652 BC- Hyksos invasion: used bronze weapons and horse drawn carriages   1567- 1085 BC- The New Kingdom  Egyptian Empire.  Akhenaton introduced the worship of Aton as the sole god




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