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Nanotechnology Industry Nanotechnology Nanotechnology is the group of emerging technologies in which matter is measured on the nanometer scale - down.

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2 Nanotechnology Industry

3 Nanotechnology Nanotechnology is the group of emerging technologies in which matter is measured on the nanometer scale - down to individual atoms in size - and manipulated to produce unique materials and products.

4 NanoWorld In the nano world, the width of a human hair is huge - about 80,000 nanometers! Now imagine working with parts just a few nanometers in size, visible only with the most powerful of electron, atomic, or scanning tunneling microscopes. Although nanotechnology deals with the very small, its anticipated impact on job growth and career opportunities in the United States is expected to be very large. Within the next 10 years, the National Science Foundation (NSF) estimates that the worldwide need for nanotechnology workers will rise from the current 20,000 to two million! Work in the field of nanotechnology requires specialized education and training, but the job and career rewards for those who prepare themselves should be significant.

5 Occupations in the Nanotechnology Industry Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Technical and Scientific Products Industrial Engineers Mechanical Engineers Electrical Engineers Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technicians

6 What’s in store? U.S. nanotechnology R&D continues to grow, and thus it will continue to require thousands more scientists and technicians in the years ahead.

7 Nano Job Projections Nanotechnology job projections are estimated to be nearly two million workers worldwide by 2015. In what countries will these jobs occur? 0.8-0.9 million – USA 0.5-0.6 million – Japan 0.3-0.4 million – Europe 0,2 million – Asia Pacific (excluding Japan) 0.1 million – other regions

8 Uses of Nanotechnology Medicine: diagnostics and therapeutics (e.g., drug delivery) Energy: capture, storage, & use; fuel cells, batteries Environmental remediation: in conjunction with GM microbes Robotics: many uses Manufacturing: self-assembly; “bottom-up” fabrication of novel materials Commerce: Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) “smart” tags Space exploration: space elevator

9 Education Needed A skilled workforce trained at a variety of levels is needed to meet the projected workforce challenge of 7 million workers. Education levels include: Technical program Associates degree (2 years)** Bachelors degree (4 years)** Masters degree (6 years)** Doctorate (8 years)**

10 How much you can expect to make… What Are the Expected Salaries?1 Two Year Associates $30,000-50,000 Four Year Bachelors $35,000-65,000 Six Year Masters $40,000-80,000 Eight Year Doctorate $75,000-100,000

11 For more information…

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