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FEED THE BIN How much do you know about your school recycling program? Play this game and find out! Just click on the picture that is the correct answer.

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Presentation on theme: "FEED THE BIN How much do you know about your school recycling program? Play this game and find out! Just click on the picture that is the correct answer."— Presentation transcript:


2 FEED THE BIN How much do you know about your school recycling program? Play this game and find out! Just click on the picture that is the correct answer. Good Luck! Click Here to Start!

3 What Color is Your Classroom Bin? GreenRed

4 Click on the arrow to try again! Uh Oh! Your classroom bins ARE NOT red.

5 That’s Right! Your classroom bins ARE green! Click on the arrow to go to the next question

6 Which One Can You FEED THE BIN? Notebook PaperLined Handwriting Paper

7 Click on the arrow to try again! Uh Oh! Lined handwriting paper DOES NOT belong in your classroom bins.

8 That’s Right! Notebook paper CAN go into your classroom bin. Click on the arrow to go to the next question

9 Which One Can You FEED THE BIN? White or Colored Copy Paper Candy Wrappers

10 Click on the arrow to try again! Uh Oh! Candy wrappers DO NOT belong in your classroom bins.

11 That’s Right! White and colored copy paper CAN go into your classroom bin. Click on the arrow to go to the next question

12 Which One Can You FEED THE BIN? Paper Towels Posters

13 Click on the arrow to try again! Uh Oh! Paper towels DO NOT belong in your classroom bins.

14 That’s Right! Posters CAN go into your classroom bin. Click on the arrow to go to the next question

15 Which One Can You FEED THE BIN? Pictures or Photographs Your Teacher’s Junk Mail

16 Click on the arrow to try again! Uh Oh! Pictures or photographs DO NOT belong in your classroom bins.

17 That’s Right! Your teacher’s junk mail CAN go into your classroom bin. Click on the arrow to go to the next question

18 Where Does Your Paper Go AFTER You FEED THE BIN? Into a Big Roll CartInto the Dumpster

19 Click on the arrow to try again! Uh Oh! The paper you recycle DOES NOT go into the dumpster!

20 That’s Right! The paper you recycle DOES go into a large roll cart. Click on the arrow to go to see where your paper goes next. Where does it go next?

21 Your paper gets picked up by a truck and taken to a place called a MRF where they will sort it and make brand new things! MRF

22 What Can Your Paper be Recycled Into? Notebook Paper, Greeting Cards, Sticky Notes, and Toilet Paper Lunch

23 Click on the arrow to try again! Uh Oh! Your paper CANNOT be recycled into lunch.

24 That’s Right! Your paper CAN be recycled into Notebook Paper, Greeting Cards, Sticky Notes, and Toilet Paper Click on the arrow to go to the next question

25 What is a Good Reason to Recycle? It will make your hair grow long. You keep things out of the landfill.

26 Click on the arrow to try again! Uh Oh! Recycling WILL NOT make your hair grow long!

27 That’s Right! Recycling DOES keep things out of the landfill. Click on the arrow to go to the next question

28 Who Should Recycle at Your School? Nobody! Everybody!

29 Click on the arrow to try again! Uh Oh! Do you really think NOBODY should recycle?

30 That’s Right! EVERYBODY should recycle! Click on the arrow to go to the next question

31 BONUS QUESTION Which One Does NOT Belong in Your BIN? Magazines Construction Paper

32 Click on the arrow to try again! Uh Oh! Magazines Can go into your classroom bins.

33 That’s Right! Construction paper DOES NOT belong in your classroom bin.

34 FEED THE BIN Great Job! You are a FEED THE BIN Expert! Now you can teach all of your friends how to FEED THE BIN!

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