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1 Welcome to the Johnson Space Center Pre-Proposal Conference for the Calibration and Metrology Services (CAMS) Contract RFP No. 9-BJ4-V50-04-01P.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Welcome to the Johnson Space Center Pre-Proposal Conference for the Calibration and Metrology Services (CAMS) Contract RFP No. 9-BJ4-V50-04-01P."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Welcome to the Johnson Space Center Pre-Proposal Conference for the Calibration and Metrology Services (CAMS) Contract RFP No. 9-BJ4-V50-04-01P

2 2 09:30 Registration 10:00WelcomeS. Powell 10:05RFP Overview L. Phillips  What is provided to you 10:40 Sections L & M of the RFPL. Phillips  What you will provide and how it will be evaluated 11:00 Statement of Work TasksD. Hartgerink  Work to be Performed 11:15 Break S. Powell 11:30 Cost Reporting S. Powell 11:45Safety and Health S. Powell 11:55Site Tour Information S. Powell 12:00 Lunch on your own 13:15 Bus Loading for Site ToursJ. Jurkovskis Agenda

3 3 Welcome  These slides are not to be interpreted as a comprehensive description of all requirements of the solicitation  To the extent there are any inconsistencies between this briefing and the solicitation, the solicitation governs  Today’s presentation is scripted in order to avoid preferential treatment toward those attending  Attendees may submit any questions in writing on forms provided at the registration desk  Responses to all written questions and a copy of this presentation will be posted on the NASA Business Webpage in the form of an amendment to the Official RFP. There will not be handouts at this meeting. The website address is:

4 4 Request for Proposal (RFP) Overview Procuring: Calibration and Metrology Services Competition: Small business set-aside (NAICS 541380) Type of Contract: Cost plus fixed fee, performance-based Contract Period:Two year base with 3 one year options Schedule: See schedule slide

5 5 RFP Overview (continued)  Information regarding Solicitation Contents  Important information is contained in SF33 and numerous clauses and provisions that have been incorporated, via full text and/or referenced text, throughout the document  Clauses incorporated by reference have the same force and effect as if they were included in their full text  Section J includes important documents, such as  Wage Determination Data  Government-Furnished Property and Services  Data Requirements The contractor shall furnish everything else not provided by the Government required for fulfillment of the contract.

6 6  Wage Determination Issues  Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR)  Service Contract Act - FAR 52.222-41  Requires a Department of Labor Wage Determination for employees performing services (FAR 22.1001)  Solicitation contains Wage Determination (WD) 94-2516(21) for Harris County, TX in section J  Nonunion nonexempt service employees  A new Wage Determination will be incorporated annually per DRD on the anniversary date of the contract Wage & Fringe Benefit information submitted in the proposal must include a direct match to the appropriate wage determination RFP Overview (continued)

7 7  Proposal Structure (shown in required order)  Signed SF33, “Solicitation, Offer and Award”  Contract Clauses, including Section K by reference  Volume I “Mission Suitability”, including plans required by Data Requirements Documents (DRDS)  Volume II“Past Performance”, including Past Performance Questionnaires sent from offerors’ references directly to NASA  Volume III “Cost”, including data required in Excel templates RFP Overview (continued)

8 8  Proposal Deliveries to NASA  Shall be at JSC Gate 4, Security Checkpoint Post 12 no later than 2:00 p.m. on the due dates listed in the RFP  Must be coordinated with the CO  Will be escorted with the offering company representative to an X- ray point and then to the final delivery point  Must be made by a U.S. citizen who will receive a temporary “escort required” visitor’s badge RFP Overview (continued)

9 9  Schedule (subject to change) 03/11/04Questions/Comments from Pre-proposal Conference due 03/24/04Release of the Final RFP* 04/26/04Proposal Volume II (Past Performance) including completed RFP Forms L-1 from offeror’s references due 05/10/04SF33, Contract Clauses, Proposal Volumes I and III due** 12/01/04Phase In Start 01/01/05Contract Start *Questions regarding RFP due within 10 days of RFP release **Volume III, Cost Proposal information from offerors must be received by the Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) on the same date that Volume III is due to NASA RFP Overview (continued)

10 10  Questions regarding the RFP  Offerors must submit questions in writing to the Contracting Officer (CO) via e-mail to or by standard mail to the address given in Section L of the  Responses to questions will be posted as an amendment to the official RFP (see slide 3 for website address)  Offerors are solely responsible for ensuring the CO acknowledges receipt of written questions RFP Overview (continued)

11 11  Points of Contact:  Contracting Officer: Lisa Rea Phillips 281-483-8395  Installation Ombudsman* Sue Garman Deputy Director, Administration Mail Code: AC 2101 NASA Parkway Houston, TX 77058 281-483-0490 281-483-2200 fax *Ombudsman (NFS 1852.215-84): “…before consulting with an ombudsman, interested parties must first address their concerns, issues, disagreements, and/or recommendations to the contracting officer for resolution … If resolution cannot be made by the contracting officer, interested parties may contact the installation ombudsman …” RFP Overview (continued)

12 12 Sections L & M of the RFP  General Proposal Content  Shall be developed by offerors as instructed in RFP Section L  Use an uncompressed Arial font no smaller than 12 point  Mission Suitability volume has a 95 page limit (including foldouts that count as 2 pages each) that does not apply to plans required by Data Requirements Documents (DRDs)  Past Performance and Cost volumes have no page limit  Will be evaluated by the Government as described in RFP Section M  Mission Suitability will be scored numerically and adjusted if necessary based on a Cost Realism Analysis  Past Performance will be scored adjectively  Mission Suitability and Past Performance, when combined, are significantly more important than Cost for evaluation  Mission Suitability and Past Performance are approximately equal in importance for evaluation

13 13 Sections L & M of the RFP (continued) FactorPoints Volume I Mission SuitabilityWeighted score Technical Understanding and Resources500 Statement of Work Fulfillment Technical Exercises Management Approach400 Management Plan Quality Plan Phase-in Plan Safety and Health Plan100 Volume II Past PerformanceAdjective score Volume III CostAdjective score Total1000

14 14 Difference (+ or -) BetweenMission Suitability Proposed and Probable Cost Point Adjustment 0% to 5%0 6% to 10%-50 11% to 15%-100 16% to 20%-150 21% to 30%-200 More than 30%-300 Sections L & M of the RFP (continued)  The Government will perform a Cost Realism Analysis  To determine the probable cost of your proposal  To determine if evaluation point adjustments are required

15 15  Proposal Volume I - Mission Suitability (15 sections) includes:  Detailed approach to accomplishing Statement Of Work tasks  Staffing and Non-Labor Resources (NLRs) required*  Innovative Techniques and Efficiencies Proposed  Risks identified and how you will handle them  Proposed solutions to three Technical Exercises  Plans following Data Requirement Descriptions (DRDs):  Management Plan, with RFP Forms L-2, “Key Personnel Resume” – show ability to perform the required work  Quality Plan – show effectiveness of policies and processes  Phase-In Plan – show successful transition to new contract  Safety and Health Plan – show how safety will be ensured *Variations from provided Standard Labor Categories (SLCs) and the Independent Government Estimate (IGE) must be justified Sections L & M of the RFP (continued)

16 16  Proposal Volume II – Past Performance for prime and each major subcontractor (est. value > $1M) proposed includes:  Self-assessment introductory narrative (up to one page)  RFP Forms L-1 “Past Performance Questionnaire”  RFP Forms L-3 “Past Performance Reference Log”  Past Safety Performance including any OSHA citations in last 5 years  Past Environmental Performance including any citations in last 5 years  Insurance Carrier Certification Letter(s) with points of contact  Quality System Experience Certifications from last 3 years  Export Control Licenses and any violations in last 5 years In accordance with FAR 15.305(a)(2)(iv) if you have no record of relevant past performance or information on your past performance is not available, you will not be evaluated favorably or unfavorably on past performance. Sections L & M of the RFP (continued)

17 17  Proposal Volume III – Cost includes:  Cost data required by Excel templates (provided to you with the RFP) in Section L  Financial Accounting Standard (FAS) 13 Analysis  Cost of Money for Facilities Capital  Description of Fee Structure The Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) will review your company’s rates and business methods to verify they are adequate for performing the task Sections L & M of the RFP (continued)

18 18 Section C of the RFP The Statement Of Work  The Statement Of Work, or SOW states the services that the Government intends to receive under this contract.  Background: NASA JSC has maintained a calibration lab at the center since the late 1960’s. The lab has been maintained by several different contractors over the years and has moved between different NASA management organizations. The lab performs approximately 30,000 calibration operations per year on approximately 15,000 customer equipment items.

19 19 Section C of the RFP The Statement Of Work  The calibration lab contract is currently managed by the Engineering Directorate, mail code ES1.  When this contract is awarded, the calibration lab contract will be managed by the JSC Safety and Mission Assurance (S&MA) Directorate mail code NT3.  Several Data Requirement Description (DRD) documents are referenced throughout the SOW. These documents specify data products to be delivered under this contract such as management plans and performance reports.

20 20 Section C of the RFP The Statement Of Work  The calibration lab has been operating “in compliance with” ISO/IEC 17025 for several years now. This contract will require the contractor to achieve formal third-party accreditation as an ISO/IEC 17025 certified lab from an auditing body such as A2LA or NVLAP within one year of contract start.

21 21 Section C of the RFP The Statement Of Work  The contractor will operate an equipment recall system which will notify the lab’s customers when an item is near its calibration due date. The contractor will also pick-up and deliver most customer provided instrumentation to and from its customers in the local area.  Two NASA operated calibration working groups will be supported by the contractor, the Measurement Assurance Program and the Metrology and Calibration Working Group. These working groups require the presentation of technical material and travel once, or twice each year.

22 22 Cost Reporting  NASA is required by law to maintain a financial measurement of resources used. NASA Procedures and Guidelines (NPG) 9501.2D identifies the cost reporting requirements for NASA contracts.  Training and Preparation Information for required 533 Financial Management Reporting is available in the following formats:  VHS video  Instructional Handbooks and Workbook exercises  Point of Contact for training materials are available from:  Primary – Sandy Gordon, 281-244-5281  Alternate – Humberto Becerra 281-483-2127

23 23 Safety and Health  Safety and Health requirements to ensure protection of personnel, property, equipment and environment include:  NASA policies and requirements, including JPG 1700.1H “Safety and Health Handbook”  Federal, State, and local regulations for safety and health  Contract requirements associated with the Statement of Work  The contractor’s approved Safety and Health Plan will be fully followed from contract start, including phase-in  If any work is performed in an unsafe manner or unsafe conditions are discovered and not corrected; the “Stop- Work Order”(FAR no.52.242-15) will be invoked Safety comes first!

24 24 Safety and Health (continued)  What is the “Voluntary Protection Program (VPP)? VPP…  Is an Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) program that partners OSHA with management and labor for a safer, healthier work environment  Results in injury or illness rates lower than industry average  Demonstrates a commitment of management and employees  Currently has over 500 sites approved by OSHA in the US

25 25  JSC is an OSHA VPP “Star” Site  All contractors at JSC will cooperate with JSC’s VPP program  Safety metrics will be used to measure effectiveness  More information on VPP is available via:  Department of Labor-OSHA at  VPP Participants Association at Safety and Health (continued)

26 26 Site Tour  Please be in the Buildings 110/111 Parking Lot at 1:15 p.m.  Site Tour leaves promptly at 1:30 p.m.  Escorts will be provided for the tour  Approximate time for the tour is 2 hours  A Visitor Badge is required for the site tour  Only two persons from each team are allowed on the tour  Please no verbal questions on the tour as personnel conducting tour are not knowledgeable on lab operations and are working from a prepared script  Please do not question current lab personnel or interrupt current lab operations

27 27 Thank you for attending the Johnson Space Center Pre-Proposal Conference for the Calibration and Metrology Services Contract

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