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Economic and Political Challenges of Acceding to the Euro area BULGARIA Georgi Angelov, OSI-Sofia.

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Presentation on theme: "Economic and Political Challenges of Acceding to the Euro area BULGARIA Georgi Angelov, OSI-Sofia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Economic and Political Challenges of Acceding to the Euro area BULGARIA Georgi Angelov, OSI-Sofia

2 1990s: Dollar rules  Currency structure of export, 1999  Unofficial dollarization of economy, especially 1996-1997

3 Currency board: Choice of currency  USD or DM?  Strategic decision – Deutschemark (to be changed to Euro when introduced) ‏  willingness of Bulgaria to enter and integrate with the EU and Euroarea (as early as 1997) ‏

4 Currency board  currency board - step toward entry in the euro area  the entry into the euro area - the only exit strategy from the currency board

5 Negotiations with the EU Chapter 11 “Economic and Monetary Union”  membership in the EMU as early as possible  Priority of the government

6 Negotiations with the EU Agreement between the Council of Ministers and the Bulgarian National Bank on the introduction of the Euro in the Republic of Bulgaria, 25 November 2004  “strategy for the fastest possible accession”  Maintain balanced budget

7 Budget Balance, % of GDP More than balanced budget

8 Government Debt, % of GDP Well within criteria for years

9 Long-term interest rates  Most Maastricht criteria fulfilled even before ERMII

10 Euro preference Share of Euro deposits in banks increasing

11 Inflation  Inflation since 2007

12 Budget balance 2009, by month

13 ECB fears  ECB was worried because of the current account deficit and inflation in Bulgaria  Risk of adjustment  Unofficial criteria for ERMII?  Bulgaria – not in ERMII

14 Current Account, by month  ECB fears rejected by reality

15 Official Reserves  Bulgaria survived the financial crisis  No support from ECB, Federal Reserve – unlike West Europe

16 Why Bulgaria should be allowed to enter ERMII?  Bulgaria survived with no external help – no risk for Eurozone  ECB warries proven imaginary  Bulgaria fulfils criteria even before ERMII entry

17 The only country Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 16.11.2009  EC: In 2010 only one country in EU will fulfill the Stability and Growth Pact requirements. Bulgaria.

18 If delayed?  Violation of treaty  In 10 years the willingness to enter Euro may disapper (new Sweden, UK?) ‏  People will not like to abandon lev  Unilateral euroization?

19 Options  Big bang enlargement of Eurozone  Free ERMII entry and reform in criteria (inflation) ‏  Unilateral Euroization  Stay out

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