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The Skeletal System Dunkirk Middle School – Health 7.

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Presentation on theme: "The Skeletal System Dunkirk Middle School – Health 7."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Skeletal System Dunkirk Middle School – Health 7

2 Numbered Heads Together On your own, write down a response for the following question – How would your life be different without your skeletal system? When Mr. Green says “Go” share your response with your table and come up with a response for the table. Each member should be prepared with a response to share out with the class in case they are selected.

3 Based on the conversation we just had, write down what you think the 5 jobs of the skeletal system are…

4 Job #1 - Protection

5 Job #2 – Allow You To Move

6 Job #3 – Provide Shape and Support

7 Job #4 – Produces Blood Cells

8 Job #5 – Stores Calcium (60% bone)

9 Group Questions: Why would our bones being 100% solid be a bad thing? Why do we have less bones now than we did as a baby? Name three different bones and a trick you could use to remember them.

10 Bone Structure

11 Joints Definition – A place in the body where two or more bones join together. Two Categories – Moveable and Immoveable Ligaments – Strings of connective tissue that holds two or more bones together in a joint. Cartilage – Connective tissue at the ends of most bones within a moveable joint to reduce the effects of friction.

12 Immoveable Joints Also known as fixed joints. These are places in the body where two or more bones join together but do not move.

13 Moveable Joints Pivot – One bone rotates in a ring of a bone that does not move. Ball-and-Socket – A rounded end that fits into a cuplike cavity. Hinge – Has back and forth movement like a door. Gliding – One part of a bone glides over another bone.

14 Skeletal System Injuries 1.Fracture – A break in a bone 2.Sprain – When ligaments stretch in a way they were not intended to 3. Dislocation – When two bones come apart in a joint

15 Fracture

16 Sprain

17 Dislocation

18 When there is a skeletal system injury… Stay calm and reassure victim Call 911 or ask someone else to call as you care for victim Make sure scene is safe before attempting to help victim Get victims permission to help Make victim comfortable Give first aid if certified and you have the victims permission

19 RICE Rest – Stay off, don’t use Ice – 15 min. on, 15 min. off Compression – Wrap it up Elevation – Higher than your heart (use gravity)

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