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Climate and Biodiversity

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1 Climate and Biodiversity

2 Dust Storm from Africa’s Sahara Desert

3 What Factors Influence Climate?
An area’s climate is determined mostly by: Solar radiation Earth’s rotation Global patterns of air and water movement Gases in the atmosphere Earth’s surface features.

4 Many Different Climates
Weather – local area of short-term physical conditions such as humidity, wind speed, cloud cover, etc. Climate- an area’s general pattern of atmospheric conditions over longer periods of time – usually decades or thousands of years. Temperature and precipitation determine climate Latitude and elevation determine average temperature and precipitation

5 Generalized Map of Earth's Climate

6 Solar Radiation

7 Earth’s Rotation As the Earth rotates around its axis, its equator spins faster than the polar regions. As a result, heated air masses rising above the equator cause the formation of cells distinguished by differing direction of air movement (prevailing winds)

8 Energy Transfer by Convection

9 Global Air Circulation
Caused by three factors Uneven heating of earth’s surface Rotation of the earth Variations in properties of air, water, and land Six cyclical convection cells

10 Cell Formation

11 Earth’s Prevailing Winds

12 Cold deserts Westerlies Forests Northeast trades Hot deserts Forests
Equator Figure 5.3: Creation of prevailing winds: the earth’s rotation deflects the movement of the air over different parts of the earth. This creates global patterns of prevailing winds that help distribute heat and moisture in the atmosphere. Southeast trades Hot deserts Westerlies Forests Cold deserts Fig. 5-3, p. 77

13 Global Air Circulation

14 Moist air rises, cools, and releases moisture as rain Polar cap
Arctic tundra Evergreen coniferous forest Temperate deciduous forest and grassland Desert Tropical deciduous forest Equator Tropical rain forest Tropical deciduous forest Desert Figure 5.5: Global air circulation and biomes: heat and moisture are distributed over the earth’s surface by vertical currents, which form six giant convection cells at different latitudes. The resulting uneven distribution of heat and moisture over the planet’s surface leads to the forests, grasslands, and deserts that make up the earth’s biomes. Temperate deciduous forest and grassland Polar cap Fig. 5-5, p. 78

15 Global Ocean Currents (1)
Affects regional climates Warm and cold currents created by differences in water density Altered by earth’s rotation and continents Redistributes heat, mixes ocean waters, and distributes nutrients and oxygen

16 Global Currents (2) Loop of deep and shallow ocean currents
Moves energy around the globe Ocean and atmosphere closely linked

17 Earth’s Conveyer Belt

18 Warm, less salty, shallow current Cold, salty, deep current
Figure 5.6: Connected deep and shallow ocean currents: a connected loop of shallow and deep ocean currents transports warm and cool water to various parts of the earth. This loop, which rises in some areas and falls in others, results when ocean water in the North Atlantic near Iceland is dense enough (because of its salt content and cold temperature) to sink to the ocean bottom, flow southward, and then move eastward to well up in the warmer Pacific. A shallower return current aided by winds then brings warmer, less salty—and thus less dense—water to the Atlantic. This water can cool and sink to begin this extremely slow cycle again. Question: How might the climate in Western Europe and in the northeastern United States be affected if this loop slows down or stops because of the effects of global warming? Cold, salty, deep current Fig. 5-6, p. 79

19 Animation: Global Ocean and Winds Currents
Examine global surface currents.

20 El Niño (El Niño Southern Oscillation or ENSO)
El Niño is characterized by unusually warm ocean temperatures in the Equatorial Pacific, as opposed to La Niña, which characterized by unusually cold ocean temperatures in the Equatorial Pacific. El Niño is an oscillation of the ocean-atmosphere system in the tropical Pacific having important consequences for weather around the globe.

21 El Niño

22 El Niño Among these consequences are increased rainfall across the southern tier of the US and in Peru, which has caused destructive flooding, and drought in the West Pacific, sometimes associated with devastating brush fires in Australia. Observations of conditions in the tropical Pacific are considered essential for the prediction of short term (a few months to 1 year) climate variations.

23 La Niña Opposite of the boy, colder than normal ocean temps.
La Niña causes mostly the opposite effects of El Niño, for example, El Niño would cause a wet period in the Midwestern U.S., while La Niña would typically cause a dry period in this area.

24 Earth’s Surface Features and Climate
Heat absorbed and released more slowly by water than by land Large bodies of water moderate climate Movement of moist ocean air across a mountain Rain and snow on windward side Rain shadow on leeward side – e.g. Death Valley

25 Rain Shadow Effect

26 On the leeward side of the mountain range, air descends, warms, and
On the windward side of a mountain range, air rises,cools, and releases moisture. On the leeward side of the mountain range, air descends, warms, and releases little moisture. Prevailing winds pick up moisture from an ocean. Figure 5.7: The rain shadow effect is a reduction of rainfall and loss of moisture from the landscape on the side of mountains facing away from prevailing surface winds. Warm, moist air in onshore winds loses most of its moisture as rain and snow on the windward slopes of a mountain range. This leads to semiarid and arid conditions on the leeward side of the mountain range and the land beyond. The Mojave Desert in the U.S. state of California and Asia’s Gobi Desert are both produced by this effect. Fig. 5-7, p. 80

27 How Does Climate Affect the Nature and Location of Biomes?
Differences in average annual precipitation and temperature lead to the formation of tropical, temperate, and cold deserts, grasslands, and forests, and largely determine their locations.

28 Climate Affects Biomes
Major biomes related to climate Biomes consist of a mosaic of patches of communities Average temperature and precipitation determine the biome

29 Earth’s Major Biomes Fig. 5-8, p. 81

30 Correlation Between Latitude and Elevation

31 (herbs, lichens, mosses)
Elevation Mountain ice and snow Tundra (herbs, lichens, mosses) Coniferous Forest Latitude Deciduous Forest Tropical Forest Figure 5.9: Generalized effects of elevation (left) and latitude (right) on climate and biomes. Parallel changes in vegetation type occur when we travel from the equator to the poles or from lowlands to mountaintops. Tropical Forest Deciduous Forest Coniferous Forest Tundra (herbs, lichens, mosses) Polar ice and snow Fig. 5-9, p. 81

32 Climate Determines the Biome

33 Deciduous forest Tropical seasonal forest
Polar Tundra Subpolar Temperate Coniferous forest Desert Deciduous forest Grassland Tropical Chaparral Figure 5.10: Natural capital: average precipitation and average temperature, acting together as limiting factors over a long period of time, help to determine the type of desert, grassland, or forest biome in a particular area. Although each actual situation is much more complex, this simplified diagram explains how climate helps to determine the types and amounts of natural vegetation found in an area left undisturbed by human activities. (Used by permission of Macmillan Publishing Company, from Derek Elsom, The Earth, New York: Macmillan, Copyright © 1992 by Marshall Editions Developments Limited) Desert Savanna Rain forest Tropical seasonal forest Scrubland Fig. 5-10, p. 82

34 Three Major Types of Deserts
Tropical deserts – Sahara, Namib Temperate deserts – Mojave Cold deserts – Gobi

35 Climate Graph of Tropical United Arab Emirates Desert

36 Climate Graph of Temperate Arizona Desert

37 Climate Graph of Cold Gobi Desert

38 Figure 5.11: Climate graphs showing typical variations in annual temperature (red) and precipitation (blue) in tropical, temperate, and cold deserts. Top photo: a popular (but destructive) SUV rodeo in United Arab Emirates (tropical desert). Center photo: saguaro cactus in the U.S. state of Arizona (temperate desert). Bottom photo: a Bactrian camel in Mongolia’s Gobi (cold) desert. Question: What month of the year has the highest temperature and the lowest rainfall for each of the three types of deserts? Fig. 5-11, p. 83

39 Three Major Types of Grasslands
Tropical grasslands – savanna Temperate grasslands – prairie Short-grass vs. tall-grass Cold grasslands – tundra Permafrost soils

40 Savanna Grassland

41 Montana Prairie Grassland

42 Arctic Tundra Grassland

43 Figure 5.12: Climate graphs showing typical variations in annual temperature (red) and precipitation (blue) in tropical, temperate, and cold (arctic tundra) grasslands. Top photo: wildebeests grazing on a savanna in Maasai Mara National Park in Kenya, Africa (tropical grassland). Center photo: wildflowers in bloom on a prairie near East Glacier Park in the U.S. state of Montana (temperate grassland). Bottom photo: arctic tundra with caribou in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (cold grassland). Question: What month of the year has the highest temperature and the lowest rainfall for each of the three types of grassland? Fig. 5-12, p. 85

44 Loss of a Temperate Grassland
Fig. 5-13, p. 86

45 Three Major Types of Forests
Tropical rain forests Temperate deciduous forests Evergreen coniferous forests

46 Tropical Forest

47 Temperate Deciduous Forest

48 Evergreen Coniferous Forest (taiga, boreal forest)

49 Figure 5.14: Climate graphs showing typical variations in annual temperature (red) and precipitation (blue) in tropical, temperate, and cold (northern coniferous and boreal) forests. Top photo: the closed canopy of a tropical rain forest in the western Congo Basin of Gabon, Africa. Middle photo: a temperate deciduous forest in the U.S. state of Rhode Island during the fall. (Photo 4 on p. vii shows this same area of forest during winter.) Bottom photo: a northern coniferous forest in the Malheur National Forest and Strawberry Mountain Wilderness in the U.S. state of Oregon. Question: What months of the year have the highest temperature and the lowest rainfall for each type of forest? Fig. 5-14, p. 87

50 Tropical Rain Forest Ecosystem

51 Ocelot Blue and gold macaw Harpy eagle Squirrel monkeys Climbing
monstera palm Katydid Slaty-tailed trogon Green tree snake Tree frog Figure 5.15: Some components and interactions in a tropical rain forest ecosystem. When these organisms die, decomposers break down their organic matter into minerals that plants use. Colored arrows indicate transfers of matter and energy between producers; primary consumers (herbivores); secondary, or higher-level, consumers (carnivores); and decomposers. Organisms are not drawn to scale. See an animation based on this figure at ThomsonNOW. Ants Bacteria Bromeliad Fungi Producer to primary consumer Primary to secondary consumer Secondary to higher-level consumer All producers and consumers to decomposers Fig. 5-15, p. 88

52 Stratification of Tropical Rain Forest

53 Brazilian tapir Black-crowned antpitta
Emergent layer Harpy eagle Toco toucan Canopy Under story Wooly opossum Figure 5.16: Stratification of specialized plant and animal niches in a tropical rain forest. Filling such specialized niches enables species to avoid or minimize competition for resources and results in the coexistence of a great variety of species. Brazilian tapir Shrub layer Black-crowned antpitta Ground layer Fig. 5-16, p. 89

54 Importance of Mountains
Contain majority of the world’s forests Regulate climate Key in the hydrological cycle

55 Ecological Role of Mountains

56 How Have We Affected the World’s Terrestrial Ecosystems?
In many areas, human activities are impairing ecological and economic services provided by the earth’s deserts, grasslands, forests, and mountains.

57 Humans Affect World’s Terrestrial Ecosystems
Disturbed most of the earth’s land 62% degraded or used unsustainably All biomes being degraded

58 Major Human Impacts on World Biomes

59 What Are the Major Types of Aquatic Systems?
Saltwater and freshwater aquatic life zones cover almost three-fourths of the earth’s surface with oceans dominating the planet. Most aquatic organisms live in the surface, middle, or bottom layers of saltwater and freshwater systems.

60 Aquatic Life Zones Two major types Oceans contain 97% of earth’s water
Marine (saltwater) Freshwater Oceans contain 97% of earth’s water

61 The Ocean Planet

62 Land–ocean hemisphere
Figure 5.19: Natural capital: the ocean planet (Concept 5-4A). The salty oceans cover 71% of the earth’s surface. About 97% of the earth’s water is in the interconnected oceans, which cover 90% of the planet’s mostly ocean hemisphere (left) and 50% of its land–ocean hemisphere (right). Freshwater systems cover less than 1% of the earth’s surface. Ocean hemisphere Land–ocean hemisphere Fig. 5-19, p. 92

63 Types of Aquatic Life Plankton – phytoplankton, zooplankton Nekton
Benthos Decomposers

64 Distribution of Aquatic Organisms
Occupy surface, middle, or bottom layers Factors determining types and numbers of organisms Temperature Access to sunlight Dissolved oxygen Nutrient availability

65 The Ocean’s Natural Capital
Fig. 5-20, p. 93

66 What Are the Major Ocean Zones and How Have We Affected Them?
In many areas, human activities are impairing ecological and economic services provided by the earth’s saltwater systems, especially coastal wetlands, mangrove forests, and coral reefs.

67 Marine System Services
Fig. 5-21, p. 94

68 Major Life Zones of Oceans
Coastal Open sea Ocean bottom

69 Ocean Life Zones

70 Euphotic Zone Bathyal Zone Abyssal Zone High tide Coastal Zone
Open Sea Low tide Sun Sea level Estuarine Zone Euphotic Zone Continental shelf Bathyal Zone Abyssal Zone Figure 5.22: Natural capital: major life zones in an ocean (not drawn to scale). Actual depths of zones may vary. Question: How is an ocean like a rain forest? (Hint: see Figure 5-16.) Fig. 5-22, p. 95

71 Upwelling

72 Estuary Photo Taken from Space
Fig. 5-23, p. 95

73 Food Web of a Salt Marsh

74 Zooplankton and small crustaceans
Herring gulls Peregrine falcon Snowy egret Cordgrass Short-billed dowitcher Marsh periwinkle Phytoplankton Zooplankton and small crustaceans Smelt Figure 5.24: Some components and interactions in a salt marsh ecosystem in a temperate area such as the United States. When these organisms die, decomposers break down their organic matter into minerals used by plants. Colored arrows indicate transfers of matter and energy between consumers (herbivores), secondary or higher-level consumers (carnivores), and decomposers. Organisms are not drawn to scale. Photo below: a salt marsh in Peru. Soft-shelled clam Clamworm Bacteria Producer to primary consumer Primary to secondary consumer Secondary to higher-level consumer All consumers and producers to decomposers Fig. 5-24, p. 96

75 The Coastal Zone Coastal wetlands and estuaries among earth’s most productive zones Estuaries Provide ecosystem services Provide economic services Face increasing stress from human activities

76 Tides: Rocky and Sandy Shores
Intertidal zone Intertidal organisms adapt to stresses of changing environment Rocky shores Sandy shores

77 Rocky Shore Beach

78 Rocky Shore Beach Sea star Hermit crab Shore crab High tide Periwinkle
Sea urchin Anemone Mussel Low tide Sculpin Figure 5.25: Living between the tides. Some organisms with specialized niches found in various zones on rocky shore beaches (top) and barrier or sandy beaches (bottom). Organisms are not drawn to scale. Barnacles Kelp Sea lettuce Monterey flatworm Nudibranch Fig. 5-25a, p. 97

79 Sandy Barrier Beach

80 Barrier Beach Beach flea Peanut worm Tiger beetle Blue crab Clam Dwarf
olive High tide Sandpiper Ghost shrimp Silversides Low tide Mole shrimp Figure 5.25: Living between the tides. Some organisms with specialized niches found in various zones on rocky shore beaches (top) and barrier or sandy beaches (bottom). Organisms are not drawn to scale. White sand macoma Sand dollar Moon snail Fig. 5-25b, p. 97

81 Sand Dunes and Barrier Beaches

82 Taller shrubs and trees
Ocean Beach Primary Dune Trough Secondary Dune Back Dune Bay or Lagoon Recreation, no building Walkways, no building Limited recreation and walkways Walkways, no building Most suitable for development Recreation Bay shore Grasses or shrubs Taller shrubs Taller shrubs and trees Figure 5.26: Primary and secondary dunes on gently sloping sandy barrier beaches help protect land from erosion by the sea. The roots of grasses that colonize the dunes help hold the sand in place. Ideally, construction is allowed only behind the second strip of dunes, and walkways to the ocean beach are built so as not to damage the dunes. This helps preserve barrier beaches and protect buildings from damage by wind, high tides, beach erosion, and flooding from storm surges. Such protection is rare because the short-term economic value of oceanfront land is considered much higher than its long-term ecological value. Rising sea levels from global warming may put many barrier beaches under water by the end of this century. Question: Do you think that the ecological values of oceanfront dunes outweigh the economic value of removing them for coastal development? Explain. Fig. 5-26, p. 98

83 Coral Reefs Form in clear, warm coastal waters of the subtropics and tropics Polyps – symbiotic relationship with zooxanthellae algae Very diverse habitat Face great threat of destruction

84 The Open Sea Separated from coastal areas by continental shelf edge
Euphotic zone Bathyal zone Abyssal zone

85 Threats to Oceans from Human Activity (1)
Coastal development Overfishing Point and nonpoint source pollution

86 Threats to Oceans from Human Activity (2)
Habitat destruction Invasive species Climate change

87 Human Impacts on Marine Ecosystems
Fig. 5-27, p. 99

88 What Are the Major Types of Freshwater Systems and How Have We Affected Them?
Human activities are impairing ecological and economic services provided by many rivers and freshwater lakes and wetlands.

89 Freshwater Systems Standing water Flowing water

90 Natural Capital of Freshwater Systems
Fig. 5-28, p. 100

91 Four Lake Zones Littoral zone Limnetic zone Profundal zone
Benthic zone

92 Zones of a Temperate Lake

93 Sunlight Blue-winged Painted teal turtle Green frog Muskrat Pond snail
Littoral zone Plankton Figure 5.29: Distinct zones of life in a fairly deep temperate zone lake. Question: How are deep lakes like tropical rain forests? (Hint: See Figure 5-16.) See an animation based on this figure at ThomsonNOW. Limnetic zone Diving beetle Profundal zone Northern pike Benthic zone Yellow perch Bloodworms Fig. 5-29, p. 101

94 Nutrient Content of Lakes
Lakes classified by nutrient content and primary productivity Oligotrophic – low productivity Eutrophic – high productivity Mesotrophic – middle of the road Lakes impacted by nutrients from human activity Cultural eutrophication – introduction of fertilizers, sewage, etc hypereutrophication

95 Nutrients and Lakes Fig. 5-30, p. 101

96 Watersheds Surface water becomes runoff into streams
Watersheds or drainage basins deliver runoff, sediment, and dissolved substances to streams Streams join to form rivers Rivers begin in mountains or at higher elevation

97 Three Zones in the Downhill Flow of Water
Source zone Transition zone Floodplain zone

98 Three Zones of a Watershed

99 Lake Glacier Rain and snow Rapids Waterfall Tributary Flood plain
Oxbow lake Salt marsh Delta Deposited sediment Ocean Source Zone Transition Zone Figure 5.31: Natural capital: three zones in the downhill flow of water: source zone containing mountain (headwater) streams; transition zone containing wider, lower-elevation streams; and floodplain zone containing rivers, which empty into the ocean. Water Sediment Floodplain Zone Fig. 5-31, p. 102

100 Rain and snow Lake Rapids Glacier Waterfall Source Zone Deposited sediment Oxbow lake Floodplain Zone Salt marsh Water Sediment Delta Ocean Flood plain Tributary Transition Zone Figure 5.31: Natural capital: three zones in the downhill flow of water: source zone containing mountain (headwater) streams; transition zone containing wider, lower-elevation streams; and floodplain zone containing rivers, which empty into the ocean. Stepped Art Fig. 5-31, p. 102

101 Freshwater Wetlands Inland wetlands Ecological and economic services
Marshes Swamps Prairie potholes Floodplains Arctic tundra Ecological and economic services

102 Human Impacts on Freshwater Systems
Dams and canals fragment 40% of world’s largest rivers Flood control levees alter rivers Cities and farmlands add pollutants Many wetlands drained or filled

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