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Astronomy Edition!. Volunteers? 1 person to time and click– time 20 seconds, click when told 1 person to keep score – accurate and quick!

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Presentation on theme: "Astronomy Edition!. Volunteers? 1 person to time and click– time 20 seconds, click when told 1 person to keep score – accurate and quick!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Astronomy Edition!

2 Volunteers? 1 person to time and click– time 20 seconds, click when told 1 person to keep score – accurate and quick!

3 JEOPARDY! LGHS Sports LGHS Teachers Clubs & Activities School Events Classes $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Final Jeopardy

4 WARNING: Ms. Minson is terrible at determining question difficulty. Therefore, an easy question could be worth $200 while a difficult question might be $100. You have been warned!

5 JEOPARDY! $150 $250 $300 $150 $200 $150 $300$250$200 $300 $250 $200 $300$350$150$200 Final Jeopardy Moon Vocabulary Period & Velocity Tides Miscellaneous

6 Moon for $150 A: The moon was formed when an object of this size collided with the Earth and the cloud of debris coalesced.

7 Moon for $150 A: The moon was formed when an object of this size collided with the Earth and the cloud of debris coalesced. Q: What is Mars-sized?

8 A: The diagram shown here depicts this phenomena. Moon for $250 (2 words!)

9 A: The diagram shown here depicts this phenomena. Moon for $250 Q: What is a solar eclipse? (2 words!)

10 A: The diagram shown here depicts this phenomena. Moon for $250 (2 words!)

11 A: The diagram shown here depicts this phenomena. Moon for $250 Q: What is a lunar eclipse? (2 words!)

12 A: When a solar eclipse occurs, the moon is in this phase. Moon for $300

13 A: When a solar eclipse occurs, the moon is in this phase. Moon for $300 Q: What is a new moon?

14 A: When a lunar eclipse occurs, the moon is in this phase. Moon for $300

15 A: When a lunar eclipse occurs, the moon is in this phase. Moon for $300 Q: What is full moon?

16 A: The speed at which one object moves around another is called its orbital _____________. Period & Velocity for $150

17 A: The speed at which one object moves around another is called its orbital _____________. Q: What is velocity? Period & Velocity for $150

18 Period & Velocity for $200 A: This is how long it takes a given object, like Mercury, to make one complete orbit around another object, like the sun. It is equal to a year.

19 Period & Velocity for $200 A: This is how long it takes a given object, like Mercury, to make one complete orbit around another object, like the sun. It is equal to a year. Q: What is period?

20 Period & Velocity for $300 A: This is the planet with the shortest orbital period and the fastest orbital velocity.

21 Period & Velocity for $300 A: This is the planet with the shortest orbital period and the fastest orbital velocity. Q: What is Mercury?

22 Period & Velocity for $300 A: This is the planet with the longest orbital period and the slowest orbital velocity.

23 Period & Velocity for $300 A: This is the planet with the longest orbital period and the slowest orbital velocity. Q: What is Neptune?

24 Period & Velocity for $300 A: This is one complete spin or rotation of an object, like Earth, on its axis.

25 Period & Velocity for $300 A: This is one complete spin or rotation of an object, like Earth, on its axis. Q: What is a revolution?

26 Tides for $150 A: These are the two objects that work together to create a spring tide, a type of extreme tide on Earth.

27 Tides for $150 A: These are the two objects that work together to create a spring tide, a type of extreme tide on Earth. Q: What are the sun and moon?

28 Tides for $200 A: The most extreme tides in the world are found at this location. ________ of ________

29 Tides for $200 A: The most extreme tides in the world are found at this location. Q: What is the Bay of Fundy?

30 Tides for $250 A: Large tides are seen when the moon is in either of these two phases.

31 Tides for $250 A: Large tides are seen when the moon is in either of these two phases. Q: What are new moon and full moon?

32 Tides for $250 A: Despite differences in size, this is why the moon has a greater gravitational effect on the tides than the sun.

33 Tides for $250 A: Despite differences in size, this is why the moon has a greater gravitational effect on the tides than the sun. Q: What is because the moon is closer?

34 Star H Fe Tides for $350 A: When a neap tide is when the tides are less extreme than usual and occurs for this reason.

35 Tides for $350 A: When a neap tide is when the tides are less extreme than usual and occurs for this reason. Q: What is the gravitational pull of the sun and moon working against each other?

36 Miscellaneous for $150 A: Our solar system formed from this, NOT during the Big Bang.

37 Miscellaneous for $150 A: Our solar system formed from this, NOT during the Big Bang. Q: What is a nebula, or cloud of dust?

38 Miscellaneous for $200 A: When Los Gatos is experiencing winter, this hemisphere is tilted towards the sun.

39 Miscellaneous for $200 A: When Los Gatos is experiencing winter, this hemisphere is tilted towards the sun. Q: What is the Southern Hemisphere?

40 Miscellaneous for $200 A: The Earth is tilted on its axis by 23.5°. If the Earth’s tilt was 0°, we would not experience this.

41 Miscellaneous for $200 A: The Earth is tilted on its axis by 23.5°. If the Earth’s tilt was 0°, we would not experience this. Q: What are seasons?

42 Miscellaneous for $250 A: This is the order of the planets.

43 Miscellaneous for $250 A: This is the order of the planets. Q: What is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

44 Miscellaneous for $150 A: Point A is located at this latitude and longitude.

45 Miscellaneous for $150 A: Point A is located at this latitude and longitude. Q: What is 180°E, 75°N.

46 Vocabulary for $150 A: Kepler showed that Earth’s orbit is very, very close to being a perfect circle but it is not, instead forming this shape.

47 Vocabulary for $150 A: Kepler showed that Earth’s orbit is very, very close to being a perfect circle but it is not, instead forming this shape. Q: What is an ellipse?

48 Vocabulary for $150 A: This nearby planet has clouds of sulfuric acid in its atmosphere and is very hot.

49 Vocabulary for $150 A: This nearby planet has clouds of sulfuric acid in its atmosphere and is very hot. Q: What is Venus?

50 Vocabulary for $200 A: This is a tool used for measuring the angle of the sun in the sky.

51 Vocabulary for $200 A: This is a tool used for measuring the angle of the sun in the sky. Q: What is a gnomon?

52 Vocabulary for $200 A: Mars and Jupiter are separated in space by an area called this.

53 Vocabulary for $200 A: Mars and Jupiter are separated in space by an area called this. Q: What is an asteroid belt?

54 Vocabulary for $200 A: The distance between the sun and a planet is known by this geometry term, meaning ‘half of a diameter.’

55 Vocabulary for $200 A: The distance between the sun and a planet is known by this geometry term, meaning ‘half of a diameter.’ Q: What is a radius?

56 Final Jeopardy!


58 Clubs & Activities for $300 A: This club is advised by Mrs. DeLaPaz and Mrs. Burlinson and addresses environmental concerns on campus.

59 Clubs & Activities for $300 A: This club is advised by Mrs. DeLaPaz and Mrs. Burlinson and addresses environmental concerns on campus. Q: What is Fading Footprints?

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