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Minister’s Delegate Maintenance (MD-M). 2 Background MPL-15 published December 1997 1998 Transport Canada agreed to review and standardize existing procedures.

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Presentation on theme: "Minister’s Delegate Maintenance (MD-M). 2 Background MPL-15 published December 1997 1998 Transport Canada agreed to review and standardize existing procedures."— Presentation transcript:

1 Minister’s Delegate Maintenance (MD-M)

2 2 Background MPL-15 published December 1997 1998 Transport Canada agreed to review and standardize existing procedures for the AIR-M program NPA-93-10 developed for draft AWM 505 Subchapter G (AWM 505G) MPL-15 and NPA redrafted to introduce MD-M

3 3 Purpose To allow designated individuals, other than Civil Aviation Safety Inspectors (CASI) to issue specific Canadian Aviation Documents on behalf of the Minister: Certificates of Airworthiness & Special Certificates of Airworthiness – Restricted; in respect of imported type certified aircraft Export Airworthiness Certificates for used aircraft

4 4 MPL-15 MPL-15 sets out the conditions under which the Minister may authorize a person to act on his behalf as an MD-M The draft AWM 505G is contained within MPL-15 and is also supported by a NPA

5 5 Guidance Material MPL 15 - Interim policy-draft AWM 505G MPL 21 - MD Rules of Conduct MPL 29 - External Delegation of Authority MSI 20 - MD-M Procedural guidelines

6 6 Qualifications Applicant must be a Canadian citizen who holds a valid AME licence with a minimum 10 years experience in aircraft maintenance Experience must be on aircraft of similar construction & complexity to delegation being requested the personal record of the applicant in relation to aviation, shall be free of any convictions under the Aeronautics Act or the Canadian Aviation Regulations

7 7 Need For Delegation Must satisfy the Minister that the need for delegation exists This is done by presenting to TC a minimum of three aircraft for importation or exportation

8 8 Role of TCCA CASI assigned to oversee the applicant MD-M activities Evaluate the importation or exportation of at least three aircraft that are representative of the scope of delegation requested

9 9 Role of Applicant Accomplish all the work involved up to but not including signing the certificate Meet the delegation requirements within a maximum of four imports or exports Completed within a two year period from the date of application

10 10 Interview Designed to establish applicants knowledge and competence Questions based on the self study training package and knowledge gained during the importation or exportation of the required three aircraft

11 11 Recommendation Applicants will be recommended by their CASI for delegation to the applicable Regional Manager Successful applicants will receive an MD-M identification card specifying the scope of delegation, a controlled inspection stamp and a Department of Transport seal

12 12 Exceptions MD-M delegation is not available to Transport Canada Civil Aviation Safety Inspectors (CASI) Ex CASI’s who do apply for delegation will not be given credit for imports or exports while employed by Transport Canada

13 13 Re-Issue Prior to the expiry date the MD-M will be advised that their delegation is about to expire MD-M to submit an application listing three imports/exports carried out during the previous two years CASI to carry out a paper audit If acceptable a new delegation card and letter are signed by the appropriate Regional Manager

14 14 Training The training shall consist of the following elements: – self study training package; and –OJT training, gained during the importation of the required three aircraft Upon request or upon application, applicants are to be provided with the self study training package

15 15 Information sessions Transport Canada held six MD-M information sessions nationally during 2006 and 2007 Very well received but there are no new ones scheduled at this time

16 16 Number of MD-M Delegates There are currently 90 MD-M’s with delegation of authority MD-M’s are listed on the Transport Canada Civil Aviation web site: http://tcinfo/civilaviation/maintenance/aarpe /r001.asp

17 17 Future Delegation. CAR 507.04, Issuance of Flight Permits This has been requested but has not been delegated by TCCA at this time

18 18 END

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