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21 ST CENTURY STUDENTS A Glimpse. Our Students Today.

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2 Our Students Today

3 Sound Familiar?  As a teacher, have you ever expressed your frustration about your students with a colleague?  “My students just don ‟ t _____ like they used to,” Digital Immigrant educators grouse, “I can’t get them to ____ or to ____. They have no appreciation for _____ or _____.”

4 So What Is A Digital Immigrant? Those who:  Still look for movie times in a newspaper  Use a telephone book to find the number they want  Or remember when Johnny Carson was on TV  When rap music wasn’t around  When there was a wall in Berlin  Or a cold war with the USSR Many teachers and administrators are digital immigrants.

5 Our Students Are Digital Natives Those born and raised in a completely digital world. They are your current and future students who never:  Used a rotary dial phone  Listened to a vinyl record  Rolled down a car window  Owned a camera with film  Looked up a book in a card catalog

6 Our Students Are Digital Natives Digital natives have always:  Used microwaves  Cell phones  MP3 players  And always have access to on-demand video Most importantly, the World Wide Web has always existed for digital natives.

7 Technology Our Students Will Use

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