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Occupational asthma What is an occupational asthma?

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2 Occupational asthma What is an occupational asthma?

3 Occupational asthma What is an occupational asthma? It is asthma caused by an agent inhaled at work. an agent inhaled at work.

4 Occupational asthma Commonest industrial lung disease. Clear cause can be identified (over 400). Symptoms resolve completely if kept away from the substance which cause it. The longer they exposed the less likely that their symptoms will improve, even if they leave their job. Importance of early diagnosis and appropriate action.

5 Occupational asthma Occupational Asthma - Prevalence 10% of adult onset asthma (kogevinas et al 1999). Only 1/3 of patients are identified. Affect all socio-economic groups, ages and both sexes. Atopics are more susceptible.

6 Occupational asthma O. A. - Health Professional Role Early disease is reversible, but late is irreversible. Identify those at risk of O.A. Early diagnosis by certain questions.

7 Occupational asthma O. A. - Health Professional Role Early referral of those at high risks to chest physician with Occupational interest for :- - Detailed Medical & Occupational history. - Immunological investigations as SPT, sIgEs, & specific bronchial provocation test.

8 Occupational asthma O. A. - Health Professional Role Meanwhile Record Peak Flow every 2 hours (from wake up time – bedtime) for 4 weeks May not always be practical

9 Occupational asthma Occupations at risk Paint sprayers Bakers Health care workers Electronic industry (solderers). Pharmaceutical workers. Those who Work with animals. Wood workers. Detergent industry workers.

10 Occupational asthma O. A. - Assessment Questions: 1)what is your occupation? 2)when exactly did the asthma start? 3)Is your asthma better on non-working days or holidays? 4)If better- does it vary during the working week? 5)Are there other workers in your place of work with similar symptoms ?

11 Occupational asthma O. A. - Assessment Questions: Sensitization start typically 3-6 months or longer. If symptoms start before starting work occupational. asthma is unlikely. As the disease advance symptoms may persist in weekends.

12 Occupational asthma O. A. – If cause identified :- Worker should be removed from environment. Relocate the worker within the same employment. Not always practical from a financial perspective Delay in relocation from the cause have long lasting effects on asthma control.

13 Occupational asthma O. A. – If cause identified :- Financial compensation if work related asthma cause is identified. Assessment of long term impairment is delayed for at least 2 years after relocation away from occupational exposure (BTS/SIGN)


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