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How many days until Christmas day? Whose birthday do we all celebrate on Christmas Day? Jesus!

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Presentation on theme: "How many days until Christmas day? Whose birthday do we all celebrate on Christmas Day? Jesus!"— Presentation transcript:


2 How many days until Christmas day?

3 Whose birthday do we all celebrate on Christmas Day? Jesus!

4 We think about them both a lot at Christmas time. Is it about Jesus … or is it about Santa???

5 We think of them both as having beards:

6 They both have second names that are unusual and start with a ‘ C ’: Jesus C hrist Santa C laus

7 Neither of them were born on Christmas Day

8 They are both known by lots of other names: F_ _ _ _ _ R C_ _ _ _ _ _ _ S S_ N_ _ _ _ _ _ S P_ _ E N_ _ L (French!) F A T H E R C H R I S T M A S S T N I C H O L A S P E R E N O E L (French!)

9 P R I N C E O F P E A C E M E S S I A H I M M A N U E L They are both known by lots of other names: P_ _ _ _ E O F P_ _ _ _ E M_ _ _ _ _ H I _ _ _ _ _ _ L

10 Some people say that they aren’t real!

11 They both seem to know everybody's names!

12 They both seem interested in what we do – good or bad… … BUT this is where they are very different!

13 Santa has a list… … naughty? … or nice?


15 God does NOT use the Santa method of assessment



18 How do you compare to perfection?

19 Are you ready to accept His free gift?


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