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Mastermind - Dragon’s Den Presented by: Mastermind July 12 th, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Mastermind - Dragon’s Den Presented by: Mastermind July 12 th, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mastermind - Dragon’s Den Presented by: Mastermind July 12 th, 2010

2 1 WHAT TO EXPECT FROM MASTERMIND’S DRAGON’S DEN Mastermind’s version of Dragon’s Den has been designed to allow individuals with innovative ideas to test their idea by presenting it to a diverse group of entrepreneurs. The objective is to have Mastermind attendees provide insightful questions and comments so that the venture can be better prepared to improve and implement their idea In addition, at the end of the session there will be an opportunity for each of the Mastermind attendees to write a brief summary about how he/she could provide strategic support for one or more of the ventures presented. Overview First of all, there aren’t really any Dragon’s (Angel Investors) in the room. However, there will be a people who have range of unique skills that you might be able to leverage in starting your own business. At the start of the session the Mastermind attendees will each be handed a sheet of paper (sample attached in next slide) that will help you with thinking of questions and writing down comments for each business venture. The presenters will take turns. There will be a 4-6 minutes to make an extended elevator pitch. (Some guidelines to help provided in later slides) Once complete the Mastermind attendees can ask questions about the idea for approximately 4-6 minutes. Once that is complete the Mastermind attendees should indicate if this business is something that they are interested in and would be interested in offering their unique skills to support the evolution of the business venture. How will it work

3 2 CURRENT AGENDA OF PRESENTERS Jing Loh – Food Trotters “food brand, guides, and tourism “ P1 Pricilla Sam – Motto Gift Registry P2 Simon La – I Love Cupcakes “Taking an age-old recipe and making it miniature” P3 Jing Liu – Lead Engine Service “New online services for SMB where it guarantee them leads an they only pay for the leads” P4 6:35 – 6:45 6:45 – 6:55 6:55 – 7:05 7:05 – 7:15 Jing Liu – Supplier & Manufacturing Challenges “Details TBD” T1 7:15 – 7:30 TBD T2 7:30 – 7:45

4 3 MASTERMIND ATTENDEES NOTE TAKING SHEET Presenter #1 Questions & Comments? -----Sample Questions----- What is the business target market? How long will it take the business to break even? Has this been done in similar ways elsewhere? -----Sample Comments----- I believe there are the following opportunities… I think your business can leverage from…. I think there are some weakness in ……. I think that you may have challenges doing ….. Do I think I can contribute to this idea? -----Ways of contributing----- I may know a programmer that can help you… I may know a XXXXXXXX that can help you… I have the skills to market your business.. I have the skills to XXXXX your business…. Based on what you have heard today, how likely would you invest your time / money in this business venture? Very High High Not Sure Low Very Low Provide a brief description why you feel this way?

5 4 GUIDELINES FOR A STRONG EXTENDED ELEVATOR PITCH THE NINE C’S OF AN EFFECTIVE ELEVATOR PITCH 1. Concise - An effective elevator pitch contains as few words as possible, but no fewer. 2. Clear - Rather than being filled with acronyms, MBA-speak, and ten-dollar words, an effective elevator pitch can be understood by your grandparents, your spouse, and your children. 3. Compelling - An effective elevator pitch explains the problem your Solution solves. 4. Credible - An effective elevator pitch explains why you are qualified to see the problem and to build your Solution. 5. Conceptual - An effective elevator pitch stays at a fairly high level and does not go into too much unnecessary detail. 6. Concrete - As much as is possible, an effective elevator pitch is also specific and tangible. 7. Customized - An effective elevator pitch addresses the specific interests and concerns of the audience. 8. Consistent - Every version of an effective elevator pitch conveys the same basic message. 9. Conversational - Rather than being to close the deal, the goal of an elevator pitch is to just set the hook; to start a conversation, or dialogue, with the audience. Stole this from:

6 5 ADDITIONAL SUPPORT TO PRODUCE A STRONG ELEVATOR PITCH Simple but useful link.. Check out this link.. The mean ass guy is one of the producers of dragon’s den Two basic questions.. 1.What is the pain point you are trying to resolve 2.How does your venture solve that problem Four key test your venture should aim to achieve 1.MUST BE SUCCINCT 2.MUST BE EASY TO UNDERSTAND (no tech talk) 3.MUST BE GREED INDUCING (Gotta be able to show that you can make $) 4.MUST BE IRRIFUTABLE (Should not leave more questions than answers)

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