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How many types of question tag does imperative sentence have? By: 杨蕾 谢菀菁 吴艳 朱悦.

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Presentation on theme: "How many types of question tag does imperative sentence have? By: 杨蕾 谢菀菁 吴艳 朱悦."— Presentation transcript:

1 How many types of question tag does imperative sentence have? By: 杨蕾 谢菀菁 吴艳 朱悦

2 Imperative Sentence 祈使句  An imperative sentence gives a direct command to someone -- this type of sentence can end either with a period or with an exclamation mark, depending on how forceful the command is.  根据语气强弱使用句号或感叹号

3  Sit! 坐下 !  Finish reading this book today. 今天就读完这本书 This command is more forceful.

4 2 Types of Imperatives: 1) The 2nd person imperatives 第二人称祈使句 2) The 1st person imperatives and the 3rd person imperatives 第一 ﹑ 三人称祈使句

5 1) The 2 nd person imperatives—listener is the target of imperatives: e.g. Come and have dinner with us. Look out! There is a bus! Do have a glass of water! Don ’ t worry! Do not smoke here! Never do that again!

6 1 st: Let me try again. Let ’ s go shopping this afternoon, Let us have a look at your clothes. Don ’ t let me eat more. Don ’ t let ’ s talk about it any more. Let ’ s not say anything. 3 rd : Let bygones be bygones. Don ’ t let him disturb us. 2) The 1st person imperatives and the 3rd person imperatives

7 Imperative sentence + question tag ( 反意疑问句 ) ssounds more polite and pleasant to hear, moderate the tone or manner of speaking Open the door. VS. Open the door, will you? Too rude and impolite??

8 Imperatives with Question tags :  Sometimes we use question tags with imperatives (invitations, orders), but the sentence remains an imperative and does NOT require a direct answer.

9 The 2 nd person imperatives with question tags:  Give me some cigarettes, can you?  Be quiet, can ’ t you?  Do it now, will you?  Close the door, would you?  Take a seat, won ’ t you? ( invitation )  Don ’ t move the chair, will you?

10 imperative + question tag notes: invitatio n Take a seat, won't you? polite orderHelp me, can you?quite friendly Help me, can't you?quite friendly (some irritation) Close the door, would you? quite polite Do it now, will you?less polite Don't forget, will you? with negative imperatives only will is possible

11 The 1 st person imperatives with question tags:  Let me drive you home, shall I? ( invitation/suggestion )  Let me have a look, can I? ( ask for permission ) Target of imperatives includes speaker and listener ( Let ’ s + infinitive )  invitation, use “ shall we? ” Let ’ s take a taxi, shall we? Let ’ s go fishing tomorrow, shall we?

12  Imperative sentence has “Let us” as the beginning and has the meaning of “allow us” ( not including the listener), use “will you?” as the question tag:  Let us go now, will you?  Let us have a look at your book, will you?

13 The 3 rd person imperatives with question tags  Let bygones be bygones, will you?  Let the boy clear up this mess, would you?  Don ’ t let him disturb us, will you?

14 Thanks for your attention~~

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