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Wembley Park Drive Medical Centre1 Patient Participation Group PRACTICE REPORT Wembley Park Drive Medical Centre.

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Presentation on theme: "Wembley Park Drive Medical Centre1 Patient Participation Group PRACTICE REPORT Wembley Park Drive Medical Centre."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wembley Park Drive Medical Centre1 Patient Participation Group PRACTICE REPORT Wembley Park Drive Medical Centre

2 2 Mission Statement PPG HELP US TO HELP YOU Working Together can make a difference

3 Wembley Park Drive Medical Centre3 Recruitment of the PPG Development Structure Advertised Posters Website & Mjog (text service message) Leaflets @ reception

4 Wembley Park Drive Medical Centre4 Recruitment Posters Development Structure Leaflets @ reception Posters around the building Website notice

5 Wembley Park Drive Medical Centre5 Practice Population Age & Sex Practice Profile Patient Population By Age & Sex Age groups 0-4 5-16 17-2425-3435-4445-5455-6465-7475-8485-8990+ Totals Males4356005371367781483288197991264805 Base3196577057076655264863691902184653 Percent136%91%76%193%117%92%59%53%52%57%72%103% Females373581527134968752232820312926194744 Base30462067669766352451147132959424896 Percent123%94%78%193%104%100%64%43%39%44%45%97%

6 Wembley Park Drive Medical Centre6 Practice Ethnicity Data Practice Profile

7 Wembley Park Drive Medical Centre7 Main Language Spoken Practice Profile

8 Wembley Park Drive Medical Centre8 PRG Profile Our PRG consists of 12 members With the following Demographics Age: 36 – 81 Male: 5 Female: 7 Ethnicity: Mixed Disability: 1 Working Patterns: Employed/Self employed/Retired

9 Wembley Park Drive Medical Centre9 Team Meeting Development Structure Targeting The Practice Population June 13th 2011 @ 1:00pm Dr’s/Nurses/Reception Staff/HCA’s Encourage patients to join those that are from Different Ethnicity & disabilities we have Drs & Staff Specking the various languages Languages Spoken at the practice Gujarati Hindi French Urdu Pashto Marathi Pilipino Arabic Kudchi Somali Swahili

10 Wembley Park Drive Medical Centre10 PPG 1 st Meeting Welcomed the Group Group Introductions Purpose of the group Patient Survey Suggestions 2011 Diabetic Health Promotion Afternoon

11 Wembley Park Drive Medical Centre11 Feedback to the PPG PPG members were sent out via email & Post a copy of the Patient Survey for there input. PPG Members were also invited to attend the Diabetic Health Promotion Afternoon Minutes of the 1 st meeting sent to all PPG members Diabetic Event summary was sent to the PPG members Event summary was also put on notice board for all other patients

12 Wembley Park Drive Medical Centre12 Practice Meeting Patient Survey September 19th @ 1:00pm The method on which all clinicians and non clinicians will use to distribute the patient survey to maximise that we get a variety of patients from our diverse population we will look at Gender Ethnicity Age Disability Language We will also put up posters around the practice to encourage patients to complete questionnaires. Over the next 2 months the team will give out at random selection of patients so that we cover the above sectors to able for us to get a fairer a result.

13 Wembley Park Drive Medical Centre13 Patient Survey 2011 300 Patient Surveys were distributed over the months of : October 2011 November 2011 We have informed to all PPG members that the survey’s are now being handed out over the next 2 months

14 Wembley Park Drive Medical Centre14 Patient Survey 30 th November 2011 Survey have been sent back for analysis Results came back on 15/12/2012

15 Wembley Park Drive Medical Centre15 Patient Survey Results

16 Wembley Park Drive Medical Centre16 Survey Results Analysed

17 Wembley Park Drive Medical Centre17 Results Are Back 9/1/12 Discussed Results with the Drs 9/1/12 emailed Patient Group informing them that results have arrived and will send a copy by the end of the week 13/1/12 12/1/12Practice team informed and congratulated on there hard work at the practice during New Years Dinner

18 Wembley Park Drive Medical Centre18 Practice Meeting January 9th 2012 @ 2:00pm Present: Dr Ross,Dr Hakim,Dr Godmabe,Arti, Dr Merali,Dr Tariq ☺ Congratulated all Drs on the results of the patient Survey Future Projects 2012 ☺Having a New Reception created at No.19 so that we can address confidentiality issues & Staff Safety

19 Wembley Park Drive Medical Centre19 Informing Patients

20 Wembley Park Drive Medical Centre20 Results of patient survey 20/1/2012 Patients we informed via: Patient Group Notice Board Practice Website News letter

21 Wembley Park Drive Medical Centre21 PPG Meeting 15/2/12 Patient Participation Group Meeting Minutes Date and Time:Wednesday 15th February 2012 @ 2:00pm – 3:00pm 21 Wembley Park Drive Present: Apologies: Dr.Salima TariqGP Arti PatelPractice Manager Nimisha ShahReceptionist SMPatient Rep Dr Hijab Batool GPGTPatient Rep Nhipa Rawal Administrator EKPatient Rep GLPatient Rep AMPatient Rep MMPatient Rep RMPatient Rep The PPG wanted to congratulate the practice on our excellent survey results. As there were no issues or concerns raised in the results, the PPG decided on various changes that the practice could instigate to support patients & staff @ Wembley Park Drive Medical Centre

22 Wembley Park Drive Medical Centre22 ACTION PLAN 2012 Recommendations made by the PPG - Mrs H was a Food technician so would like to maybe be a speaker in the summer when kids on holiday re nutritional food. - Email all members of the group for ideas re topics we can use as topics for our awareness day. - Invite patients on a cost awareness day & have some speakers i.e. Diabetic (strip costs ect). - 2 people at the desk & not 1. - Prescription collection time maybe in our quieter time 1-3pm. - What about allocated desks with big signs above each desk saying which desk doing what. - 2 Boxes 1 for Drop off specimens & another for drop in script request at main reception with big headings. - Get another label printer for front desk so hand out labels bags & specimen bottles. - Set a day for registration morning & evening to a) slow the intake & b) reduce the chaos at desk.

23 Wembley Park Drive Medical Centre23 Practice Meeting (Actions Agreed By The Practice) ACTION PLAN Monday 19th March 2012 @ 2:00pm Present: Dr Ross,Dr Hakim,Dr Godmabe, Dr Merali,Dr Tariq, Arti,Savita,Dr Hijab,Medical Students Agreed Action Plan from PPG Recommendations Please look at attached document The practice ahs agreed to take a look at all areas that the PRG have Suggested and will try our level best to meet the Actions

24 Wembley Park Drive Medical Centre24 Informing the Patients of suggestions made by the PPG PPG Notice Board News Letter Practice Website

25 Wembley Park Drive Medical Centre25 Patient Information for changes Upgrading reception station @ No.19 Wembley Pak Drive to improve confidentiality. At present we only have a desk unit. health awareness afternoon on nutrition with parents with young children Effective Signage @ reception to direct patients to the correct receptionist Specimen drop of boxes Extra receptionist to help on the front desk to reduce ques

26 Wembley Park Drive Medical Centre26 Information Uploaded on the Website All information on the new changes that will occur at the practice have now been posted on are practice website on the 30/3/12 Link

27 Wembley Park Drive Medical Centre27 Final PPG Report FEB 2013 FINAL PATIENT PARTICIPATION REPORT

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