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Atoms, elements, molecules, compounds Basic Chemistry …. But this is Biology?????

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Presentation on theme: "Atoms, elements, molecules, compounds Basic Chemistry …. But this is Biology?????"— Presentation transcript:

1 atoms, elements, molecules, compounds Basic Chemistry …. But this is Biology?????

2 Trace elements? What are the most common elements in ALL living things

3 Symptom of an iodine deficiency Iron deficiency? Fluorine deficiency?

4 Locations and charges of protons? Neutrons? Electrons? Structure of an atom (its subatomic particles)

5 Atomic number Atomic mass

6 Atomic Mass vs. Atomic Number?????

7 What is an isotope?

8 Cancerous throat tissue Isotopes use to diagnose disease Give a molecule similar to glucose that has a radioactive tag PET scan picks up the released radiation and detects areas of high metabolism

9 Radioactive iodine High doses can treat thyroid cancer Small doses used to test thyroid function.

10 shows the concentration of radioactive tracer bound to monoamine oxidase B (MAO B). Red shows the highest concentration. MAO B is important because it breaks down the chemicals that allow nerve cells to communicate and regulate blood pressure.


12 What causes an atom to react with other atom? Or… would cause it to be nonreactive (stable)?

13 Ionic Bond









22 (–) O HH (+)

23 Hydrogen bond

24 Strong attraction for electrons

25 Cohesion of water → water sticking to itself Does this because of hydrogen bonding Results in water having surface tension –“film” on top of water


27 Transpiration Uses cohesion and adhesion to move water from the roots to top of a tree


29 Adhesion of water To cells of xylem Cohesion of water to itself

30 Adhesion → water sticking to something else Meniscus

31 Temperature moderation Water resists changes in temperature Water can absorb and release a lot of thermal energy with a small change in temperature ex: lake temperatures

32 Feb: 15.7° F July: 70.4 ° F Feb: 44.3° F July: 65.3 ° F moderate temperatures at coasts

33 ex: evaporative cooling -when water evaporates from our skin, it takes a lot of thermal energy with it

34 Density Water is densest at 4° C Ice is less dense than liquid water Provides insulation and allows wildlife to survive under a layer of ice Ice floats

35 Water is an almost universal solvent Ionic compounds (like salt) will dissolve in water Polar molecules will dissolve in water (sugar) In a solution the SOLVENT is the substance in a greater amount The SOLUTE is the substance present in a lesser amount

36 Glucose


38 A few water molecules can break apart into ions –hydrogen ions (H + ) –hydroxide ions (OH – ) Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. pH

39 Acids vs. bases –An acid is anything that INCREASES the relative concentration of H+ –A base is anything that DECREASES the relative concentration of H+ Either by adding OH- or removing H+ Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc. pH

40 A pH scale (pH = potential of hydrogen) is used to describe whether a solution is acidic or basic –pH ranges from 0 (most acidic) to 14 (most basic) –A solution that is neither acidic or basic is neutral (pH = 7) Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.

41 Acidic solution pH scale Battery acid 0 1 2 3 4 5 Lemon juice, gastric juice Grapefruit juice, soft drink, vinegar, beer Tomato juice Rain water Human urine Saliva Pure water 6 7 Human blood, tears Seawater 8 9 10 11 12 13 Milk of magnesia Household ammonia Household bleach Oven cleaner Neutral solution Basic solution NEUTRAL [H + ]=OH – ] Increasingly ACIDIC (Higher concentration of H + ) 14 Increasingly BASIC (Lower concentration of H + ) Logarithmic scale Change in one unit on pH scale = 10 x change in hydrogen ion concentration

42 Solution A has a pH = 4 Solution B has a pH = 2 How much more acidic is Solution B? Solution C has a pH = 9 Solution D has a pH = 12 How much more H+ ions does solution C have compared to solution D?

43 Why is pH important? Different areas of the body have different pH values –Ex: stomach blood If the pH varies from this value, proteins lose their shape and don’t work

44 Molecules that can accept or release H+→ resist change in pH Are usually weak acid/base pairs










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