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7G Solids, Liquids and Gases

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1 7G Solids, Liquids and Gases
KS3 Chemistry 7G Solids, Liquids and Gases

2 Video: Matter Matter Everywhere

3 I. Theories: Elements Thales [580-570 BC] 1. Philosopher
2. Everything is made up of water 3. Water can be liquid, solid, or gas

4 B. Empedocles 1. Everything was made up of four substances: Fire, Air, Water and Earth 2. Substances changed because there were two forces that could affect them: Love and Strife C. Aristotle 1. Philosopher 2. Believed Empedocles idea 3. This was the accepted theory for 2000 years

5 II. Theories: Atoms Anaxagoras 1. Philosopher
2. Believed that everything was made from tiny ‘seeds’

6 B. Democritus 2. Actually developed idea of ATOMS 3
B. Democritus 2. Actually developed idea of ATOMS 3. Different types of materials were made from atoms a. solids = atoms stuck together b. liquids and gases = atoms not stuck together 4. Idea was unpopular for 2000 years

7 C. John Dalton 1. Atomic Theory of Matter 2
C. John Dalton 1. Atomic Theory of Matter 2. Many elemental substances or elements, that make up different types of atoms 3. Elements are composed of extremely small atoms 4. Group of atoms = molecule

8 Video: History of Atoms

9 III. What is Matter A. Anything that has mass B. Anything that takes up space

10 Video: What is Matter?

11 IV. Particle Model or Particle Theory of Matter
A. All matter is made up of tiny particles B. Particles are always moving = Kinetic Energy 1. The higher the temperature the faster these particles move 2. Heating particles causes them to move further apart - substance will expand 3. density of a substance Decreases C. The difference between: Solids, Liquids and Gas can be explained by this model

12 V. States of Matter At room temperature most substances exist in one of three physical states. 1. Solid a. Keeps its shape b. has a fixed volume c. has a definite shape even when moved d. very dense

13 e. Particles are vibrating f
e. Particles are vibrating f. Particles held together by strong force of attraction g. Particles cannot move around each other h. Particles are close together

14 2. Liquid a. Takes the shape of its container b. Has fixed volume c
2. Liquid a. Takes the shape of its container b. Has fixed volume c. Does NOT have a definite shape d. flows easily e. can’t be compressed into smaller Volume

15 f. Particles are free to move past each other
g. Particles are held together by the force of attraction

16 3. Gas a. Has NO definite volume b. Has NO definite shape c
3. Gas a. Has NO definite volume b. Has NO definite shape c. Fills all available spaces d. flows easily e. Not dense f. almost NO force of attraction between particles g. particles move very fast


18 Three States of Matter solid liquid gas

19 How do smells spread out?
Where is the smell coming from and how does it spread out? How do smells spread out?

20 VI. Diffusion What is Diffusion
1. Diffusion is the movement of particles that allows them to spread out from high concentration to low concentration and mix with other particles

21 B. Occurs in liquids and gases, but NOT solids C
B. Occurs in liquids and gases, but NOT solids C. Occurs more quickly In gases than liquids D. Occurs more quickly in warmer temperatures than cooler temperatures

22 Video: Diffusion

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