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Imperialism What is it all about?. Imperialism is… The policy of establishing colonies and building empires.

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Presentation on theme: "Imperialism What is it all about?. Imperialism is… The policy of establishing colonies and building empires."— Presentation transcript:

1 Imperialism What is it all about?

2 Imperialism is… The policy of establishing colonies and building empires.

3 Definition of Imperialism A policy by a stronger nation (such as the USA) to create an empire by dominating weaker nations economically, politically, culturally, or militarily, or...

4 Why did Imperialism Develop? Economic factors Political or Nationalistic factors Humanitarian or Cultural factors Military factors

5 Economic Factors Manufacturing nations need more ___________ _____________ and more _________________.

6 Economic Factors Manufacturing nations need more natural resources and more _________________.

7 Economic Factors Manufacturing nations need more natural resources and more markets.

8 Political or Nationalistic Factors Nationalism (a belief that one’s nation is ____________ to other ____________) drives countries to _______________ for new __________________.

9 Political or Nationalistic Factors Nationalism (a belief that one’s nations is superior to other nations) drives countries to _______________ for new __________________.

10 Political or Nationalistic Factors Nationalism (a belief that one’s nations goals are superior to those of other nations) drives countries to compete for new colonies.

11 Humanitarian or Cultural Factors Westerners (________ and/or Western __________ countries) believe in spreading Western __________ and ______________. It was their ________ to spread the blessings of Western civilization across the globe.

12 Humanitarian or Cultural Factors Westerners (USA and/or Western European countries) believe in spreading Western __________ and ___________________. It was their ________ to spread the blessings of Western civilization across the globe.

13 Humanitarian or Cultural Factors Westerners (USA and/or Western European countries) believe in spreading Western ideas and Christianity. It was their ________ to spread the blessings of Western civilization across the globe.

14 Humanitarian or Cultural Factors Westerners (USA and/or Western European countries) believe in spreading Western ideas and Christianity. It was their duty to spread the blessings of Western civilization across the globe.

15 Military Factors Growing ___________ need new naval bases worldwide.

16 Military Factors Growing navies need new naval bases worldwide.

17 How did America become involved in Imperialism? Using the idea of Manifest Destiny, The Midway Islands were annexed (joined/added to the USA) in 1867.

18 Alaska is purchased in 1867 Secretary of State William H. Seward agreed to purchase Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million. (that’s only about 2 cents an acre!) At the time, critics thought Seward was crazy and called the deal "Seward's folly."


20 Delaware!

21 Was it worth it?? Major discoveries of gold were made there in the 1880s and 1890s. These discoveries brought attention and people to Alaska. Today, petroleum transported across the state through a pipeline is Alaska's richest mineral resource.

22 What about Hawaii? Until the late 1890s, Hawaii is ruled by a monarch. American Sugar and Pineapple Planters on the island become very wealthy and powerful…

23 The Hawaiian Queen is removed from power by American military force under pressure from businessmen (including Sanford Dole – the pineapple guy…) Hawaii is annexed in 1898. How did America become Involved in Imperialism?, cont.

24 How did America become involved in Imperialism?, cont. Trade relations with Japan are established in 1854 by Commodore Matthew Perry and a very young U.S. Navy

25 Although China had it’s own ruler, it was weak and controlled by other nations. These “spheres of influence” limited trade between the U.S. and China

26 Open Door Policy In the fall of 1898, President McKinley and Secretary of State John Hay force an "open door" policy on the nations that control China. The policy would allow all trading nations access to the Chinese markets.

27 Arguments for Expansion Obtain new ____________. Protect overseas ______________. Rekindle the American pioneer spirit. Bring ____________ to the “heathen” people around the world.

28 Arguments for Expansion Obtain new markets. Protect overseas investments. Rekindle the American pioneer spirit. Bring civilization to the “heathen” people around the world.

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