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American Cultures Review, Mr. Homan Final Exam Review Chapters 14 & 15.

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1 American Cultures Review, Mr. Homan Final Exam Review Chapters 14 & 15

2 American Cultures Review, Mr. Homan How did popular perceptions of prosperity influence the election of 1928? Americans were happy with Republican leadership of the country.

3 American Cultures Review, Mr. Homan How did speculation and margin buying cause stock prices to rise? Caused over investment as people ignored the risks and bought more than they could pay for.

4 American Cultures Review, Mr. Homan What did the experience of farmers and consumers during the 1920s suggest about the health of the economy? Beneath the surface prosperity, the economy was in trouble.

5 American Cultures Review, Mr. Homan What are the causes of the Great Depression? Tariffs (taxes on imports) cut down on the foreign market for American goods; A crisis in the farm sector; The availability of easy credit; An unequal distribution of wealth.

6 American Cultures Review, Mr. Homan Identify causes of the Dust Bowl? Overproduction of crops; Destruction of grasslands; Drought; High winds.

7 American Cultures Review, Mr. Homan Why did so many men leave their homes during the Depression? Men were disheartened by their inability to support their families and abandoned them. Others hoped to find work and send money home to their families.

8 American Cultures Review, Mr. Homan How did the Great Depression affect women and children? Women – Managed tight household budgets; – Encountered opposition in holding jobs outside the home. Children – Suffered from poor diets and inadequate health care; – Welfare programs and schools were closed down.

9 American Cultures Review, Mr. Homan What did the Bonus Army want? As veterans of WWI they had been promised a cash bonus

10 American Cultures Review, Mr. Homan How did Roosevelt plan to alleviate the problems of the Great Depression after winning the 1932 election? The New Deal The New Deal focused on three general goals: – Relief for the needy – Economic recovery – Financial reform

11 American Cultures Review, Mr. Homan What did Roosevelt do during the Hundred Days? Passed 15 major pieces of legislation expanding the role of the national government in the economy. – Called for a bank holiday and allowed only healthy banks to reopen. – Revived public confidence in banks

12 American Cultures Review, Mr. Homan Which New Deal programs were created to provide relief for farmers and workers? Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) – Reduce supply to increase prices Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) – Built dams for flood control & hydroelectric power Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) – Built roads, planted trees & developed parks Civil Works Administration (CWA) – Built schools, hired teachers, built roads

13 American Cultures Review, Mr. Homan How did liberal and conservative critics differ in their opposition to the New Deal? Liberals – Did not do enough to help the poor; – Did not go far enough in reforming the nation’s economy. Conservatives – Spent too much money on direct relief; – Trying to control business and socialize the economy.

14 American Cultures Review, Mr. Homan Why did Roosevelt launch the Second New Deal? Based on the popularity of the first Hundred Days and the urging of the his social reformer wife, Eleanor.

15 American Cultures Review, Mr. Homan Why was the Wagner Act significant? It gave the federal government the power to protect and aid workers.

16 American Cultures Review, Mr. Homan The New Deal Coalition was a diverse group dedicated to supporting FDR and the Democratic Party from the 1930s through the late 1960s. The coalition included: Southern whites Mexican Americans Native Americans African Americans Unionized industrial workers

17 American Cultures Review, Mr. Homan Identify the lasting legacy of the New Deal Banking and finance are reformed. Government takes a more active role in the economy. Workers benefit from labor standards. Social Security system continues to provide for the needy. Conservation efforts continue to preserve the environment.

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