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Webinar between 4pm – 5.30pm Wednesday 6 February 2013.

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1 Webinar between 4pm – 5.30pm Wednesday 6 February 2013

2 Application Offers SEAS

3 ◦ 46,691 domestic Year 12 applicants, up 0.7% ◦ 29,839 domestic non year 12 applicants down 8.0% ◦ 2,376 international Year 12 applicants, down 8.5% ◦ 4,990 interstate Year 12 applicants, up 8.1%.

4 ◦ 1,861 offers to year 12 International students down 12.6% and is in line with the decrease in applications ◦ 65,904 offers issued to date down 2.8%  Current year 12 offers 42,902 up 0.4%  Non-year 12 offers 23,002 down 8.4%

5  TAFE: down by 20.2%  ITCs: down 8.6% - due to large number who moved across to direct applications  Higher education: up by 1.1%

6 Statistics Preparing for 2013/14

7  ACU7311  Deakin University15323  La Trobe University13843  Monash University14176  RMIT University15739  RMIT TAFE4655  Swinburne University8391  Swinburne TAFE2134  University of Melbourne8601  Victoria University9177  VU TAFE2254

8  This is not a 2 month program starting 5 August  Preparation should start now  Evidence is the key to a successful submission  Must be related to the disadvantage and be realistic  Must be tangible and clear about the issue consequences and timeframe.

9  When providing evidence it is critical to provide a timeframe and be specific about the circumstances.  Be aware of: ◦ Double Dipping for Category 1 and 3 in particular. ◦ Generic statements disadvantages those students who need it most. No matter what the timing, the statements should be personal and honest.

10 Statistics

11  ACU3950  Deakin University9401  La Trobe University8294  Monash University10518  RMIT University8937  RMIT TAFE1984  Swinburne University4492  Swinburne TAFE 852  University of Melbourne7088  Victoria University4602  Victoria University TAFE812

12 VTAC publishing

13  VTAC Guide ◦ Maximum of 10 letters incl. emails on Guide matters were received ◦ Main issues/concerns  The impact of change on work habits  Student and school access to the internet  Students ability to sticky tab pages  Teacher workload  VICTER ◦ No letters or issues were raised or discussed with VTAC.

14  Will be printed in its current form - the number of printed copies will continue to decline  Online resources ◦ Online PDF of the VTAC Guide including prerequisites, extra requirements, selection mode, major studies etc, allowing all users to print, annotate and download on to devices without relying on the internet – trialled this year, possible charge in 2014/15. ◦ A refined CourseSearch program which will incorporate the recommendations of the external usability study. This includes a shortlist of search results that can be emailed to an individual’s email address.

15 Access to the ATAR and privacy Webinars for 2013 Careers teacher seminars Parent seminars

16  On Sunday 16 December there were over 1700 users trying to access the ATARs. There are only 512 accounts.  The portal was slow because it is not on a large server – with 512 accounts, it doesn’t need to be.  Increased number of privacy breaches.

17 Written to every school seeking the principal’s email address so that we can write to them and record the person responsible for the privacy. If no response from the principal, our legal advice is that the person responsible is the registered careers teacher or group.

18 2. The accessibility of the data appears to bring with it a disregard by some for the privacy and ownership of the data. This year: Users called VTAC because they were having trouble downloading the data at Christmas parties; restaurants; friends houses More reports regarding downloading data for marketing purposes three instances of schools contacting the students to get permission to talk to the press because they got ‘such a good ATAR’. While those in breach had their data withheld, this is a growing trend that needs to be addressed.

19  The Terms and conditions of the release of ATARs is respected and understood by all  Student privacy is protected and respected  The primary purpose of the release is counselling NOT MARKETING.  Schools are actively encouraged to nominate a person responsible for the privacy of this information

20  Will be detailed at the July briefings.

21  6 March: Preparing for SEAS a 30 minute overview 6 March: Getting to know CourseLink a one hour overview to get you started with counselling year 10 students.  8 May: Revisit CourseLink a 30 minute overview and revision. 8 May: Choosing VCE studies a parents Guide: Myths, facts and fiction about scaling, prerequisites and middle-band to help your children choose the right subjects for the right reasons.  17 July: Careers practitioners pilot Targetted at those schools who can’t/don’t attend the traditional face to face briefings.  7 August: VCE parents seminar If your school wants to enhance your parents experience, get them to log in from home or our online webinar.

22  We are looking at setting up a social media platform for teachers using LinkedIn – we will contact you later to advise on this initiative.

23  Complete schedule available in the Bulletin – September 2012 and on CourseLink.  Booking dates: ◦ Tuesday 11 June 2013: Registrations for annual briefing sessions open through VTAC CourseLink. ◦ Friday 5 July 2013: Registrations for annual briefing sessions close through VTAC CourseLink.  Attendance will be available to schools if requested.

24 New protocols for briefings in 2013 – these will include  Each person needing to identify themselves (including name, school and position) prior to asking a question.  All participants will be required to officially sign in and use the provided name tag so that VTAC can keep a record of who did and did not attend the sessions.

25  VTAC will circulate agendas and ask participants to identify any issues of concern outside of the agenda prior to the sessions.  Questions outside of the agenda and not associated with procedure will not be addressed in camera, but in writing at a later date.  Each metropolitan session will be chaired by a VTAC representative and regional sessions will be chaired by the host school, president of the careers group or the host institution.  General rules of a meeting in terms of points of order will be enforced.

26  Request Form for VTAC VCE Parents Session (PDF) Request Form for VTAC VCE Parents Session  Only school groupings of two or more will be considered. VTAC does not have the resources to attend single school events.  Only requests received through the online form will be considered.  Please download from>careers practitioners and complete, scan and email to  Booking requests close on Thursday 28 MARCH 2013.

27  Had a number of instances where responses were just forwarded onto students. These emails included VTAC contacts!  Please remove our personal details from any correspondence you forward to any student or their parent.  Remember all queries should be detailed and emailed to

28  SEAS is not a two month task ◦ work can begin now on preparing evidence ◦ Generic statements of support disadvantage those who need it most for example…. ◦ Old statements from years ago need to be current  VTAC CourseSearch will be further tailored based on outcomes of the usability study and will include: ◦ A quick search and a separate advanced search option ◦ Email function to send results of searches to individuals, parents, etc.

29  VTAC Publishing and online resources will be expanded to include: ◦ a printable, downloadable PDF of institutional and course information (including prerequisites, extra requirements etc) ◦ Will be updated weekly and available for re-download so that the information you being used is accurate and current.  Ownership of the ATARs and offer information ◦ Belongs to the student and VTAC ◦ Is not a marketing tool ◦ Student privacy and rights must be protected to ensure that we can continue to provide this information to all schools for counselling.


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