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Critical Reflection William Kwok  Enoch Ng  Ainsley Hart  Axel Durand-Smet  Mahmouh Abu Hannoud  Martina Nikic Corporate Governance Systems.

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Presentation on theme: "Critical Reflection William Kwok  Enoch Ng  Ainsley Hart  Axel Durand-Smet  Mahmouh Abu Hannoud  Martina Nikic Corporate Governance Systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Critical Reflection William Kwok  Enoch Ng  Ainsley Hart  Axel Durand-Smet  Mahmouh Abu Hannoud  Martina Nikic Corporate Governance Systems

2 Table of Contents ① Discuss Comparative and International Corporate Governance ② Compare and Critique The State of U.S. Corporate Governance: What’s Right and What’s Wrong ③ Compare and Critique The Political Economy of Comparative Corporate Governance ④ Compare and Critique The Cross-national Diversity of Corporate Governance: Dimensions and Determinants ⑤ Compare and Critique Corporate Governance: Measurement and Determinant Analysis ⑥ Compare and Critique Stakeholder Rights and Corporate Governance: A Cross- National Study of Hostile Takeovers ⑦ Three Major Stakeholders Analysis ⑧ Four Influential Perspectives ⑨ Hosftede’s Cultural Dimensions ⑩ Shareholder Centered Theory vs. Stakeholder Centered Theory

3 Comparative and International Corporate Governance by Aguilera and Jackson Provided general introduction to corporate governance Used as main source of comparison with the other articles Focused on four perspective: economic, managerial, labor, cultural, and political Lack of connection between perspectives Sought other articles for further explanation

4 The State of U.S. Corporate Governance: What’s Right and What’s Wrong by Holstrom and Kaplan Aguilera and Jackson discuss U.S. system dominance This article provides more detail about this occurrence Outperforming and combat problems efficiently Lacks comparisons between other nations No applicable theories or models

5 The Political Economy of Comparative Corporate Governance by Mary O’Sullivan Suggests increase of shareholder models Discusses international governance systems U.S. system ideal model for other nations Specifies the influence of labor Connects two perspectives and places them in relevant context Lack of applicable information Lack of applicable models and theories

6 The Cross-National Diverstiy of Corporate Governance: Dimensions and Determinants By Aguilera and Jackson Institutional change referring to previous article Hybridziation Role of labor shaping corporate governance Relationship between strength of representation rights and labor Measurement device Easier to read with applicable theories

7 Corporate Governance: Measurement and Determinant Analysis by Khanchel Formation based on board of directors, the board committee and the audit committee Focused on U.S. companies between 1994-2003 Lack recency and relevancy Lack strong relationship to other articles

8 Stakeholder Rights and Corporate Governance: A Cross-National Study of Hostile Takeovers by Schneper and Guillén Analyzes relationship between hostile takeovers and corporate governance structures Extensive amount of applicable theories and models Negative vs. positive outcomes due to hostile takeovers Provides comprehensive understanding Narrow focus

9 Theories and Models

10 Three Major Stakeholders Bankers/ FinancersOwners/Shareholders Employees

11 Perspectives for Analysis Corporate Governance Economic/ManagerialCulturalPoliticalLabor

12 Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Cultural Differences Long-Term Orientation Power Distance Uncertainty Avoidance Individualism and Collectivism Masculinity/ Feminity

13 Shareholder vs. Stakeholder Model Shareholder Shareholders are priority stakeholder Agency theory Stakeholder Prioritize by importance Bankers/financers, and employees usually dominant

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