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Chapter Eight Planning a Diet for Fitness and Wellness.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter Eight Planning a Diet for Fitness and Wellness."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter Eight Planning a Diet for Fitness and Wellness

2 Dietary Guidelines for Americans ä Adequate nutrients within calorie needs ä Weight management ä Physical activity ä Foods groups to encourage ä Fats ä Carbohydrates ä Sodium and Potassium ä Alcoholic Beverages ä Food Safety Key Recommendations:

3 MyPyramid Food Guide

4 The Nutrition Facts Label ä Serving Sizes ä Calories from Fat ä % Daily Value ä Fat ä Cholesterol ä Sodium ä Carbohydrates ä Protein ä Vitamins and Minerals

5 Comparing Your Diet ä Fast Food ä “Junk” Food ä Snacking Think about the foods you typically eat - do you usually have a balanced diet? How often do you include the following foods:

6 Nutrition Fallacies ä Bottled water is safer from impurities. ä When you eat less, your stomach shrinks. ä Natural herbs can melt pounds away without diet or exercise.

7 Planning a Diet for Fitness & Wellness Diet is related to achieving an optimal level of health and fitness. Making wise food choices is the key to good nutrition. Use the Dietary Guidelines, MyPyramid Food Guide, and the Nutrition Facts Label in making your food selections. Return to Chapter Menu

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