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Suicide Prevention in Scotland Alana Atkinson Programme Manager Choose Life National Programme.

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Presentation on theme: "Suicide Prevention in Scotland Alana Atkinson Programme Manager Choose Life National Programme."— Presentation transcript:

1 Suicide Prevention in Scotland Alana Atkinson Programme Manager Choose Life National Programme

2 Choose Life: Dedicated 10 year suicide prevention strategy (2002-2013) Set a clear target: 20% reduction by 2013 Calls for broad based collective action and partnership working at national and local level

3 Suicide in Scotland Around 2 people per day die by suicide in Scotland* 746 people died by suicide in 2009* Scotland’s suicide rate is higher than the rates in most other European countries Suicide remains the leading cause of mortality in those under the age of 35 years Around 3 out of 4 suicides* are men Those in most deprived areas of Scotland still have a suicide risk double that of the Scottish average *deaths by intentional self-harm and events of undetermined intent

4 Suicide over time, by age in Scotland: Females

5 Suicide over time, by age in Scotland: Males

6 Key Elements of the National Programme National leadership and support Support for local areas – evaluation, guidance, network events Training - Range of suicide prevention training courses available: ASIST, SafeTALK; Suicide TALK; STORM Communications – Media watch, TV ad, radio, online, Suicide Prevention week Understanding what works – research, evaluation and sharing effective practice Partnership approach – suicide prevention is everyone’s business

7 Refreshed Objectives 2010 Identify & intervene to reduce suicidal behaviour in high risk groups Develop & implement a co-ordinated approach to reduce suicidal behaviour Ensure interventions to reduce suicidal behaviour are informed by evidence from research & evaluated appropriately Provide support to those affected by suicidal behaviour Provide education & training about suicidal behaviour & promote awareness about the help available Reduce availability & lethality of methods in suicidal behaviour

8 High Risk Groups People Experiencing mental ill health (primarily depression & bipolar disorder) Misusing substances – especially alcohol With co-existing mental illness & substance misuse Who have a history of self-harm or who have attempted suicide In psychiatric care & those recently discharged Recently bereaved Living in areas of socio-economic deprivation With low socio-economic status Who are unemployed Who experienced life stress or trauma – especially physical and/or sexual abuse Who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender


10 Suicide & Alcohol – what can we do? Raise awareness about the risks Target people in high risk groups & people who work with and support them Improve co-ordination of interventions Understand the trends - Scottish Suicide Information Database (ScotSID)

11 Contact Us National Programme Team 0141 354 2910

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