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Your first & last name goes here Student-Led Portfolio Conference May 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Your first & last name goes here Student-Led Portfolio Conference May 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Your first & last name goes here Student-Led Portfolio Conference May 2015

2 Which subject was the easiest for you? Why? The easiest subject for me was because

3 Which concept or subject was most difficult for you? Why? The most difficult concept or subject for me was because

4 Which activities or classes were the most enjoyable for you? Why? The activities or classes that were the most enjoyable for me were because

5 Bragging page In general, what did you do well this year. What are you most proud of? I am doing well in many ways. For example,

6 What could you improve in order to be a better student? I feel that I could improve in the following ways

7 What are your strengths in reading ? My strengths in reading are

8 What are your future goals in reading? My goals in reading are

9 What are your strengths in writing ? My strengths in writing are

10 What are your future goals in writing? My goals in writing are

11 What are your strengths in math ? My strengths in math are

12 What are your goals in math? My goals in math are

13 What are your strengths in science? My strengths in science are

14 What are your goals in science? My goals in science are

15 What are your strengths in social studies? My strengths in social studies are

16 What are your goals in social studies? My goals in social studies are

17 DAIS Pride R ate yourself in the following areas by putting a number 1-5 after each description Demonstrate respect for others and self Act responsibly and safely Include others and accept their differences Succeed through positive effort 5=Always 4=Usually 3=Sometimes 2=Rarely 1=Never

18 Responsibility R ate yourself in the following areas by putting a number 1-5 after each description I do all the work when I’m asked. I ask for help when I need it. I check my work for mistakes. I put forth my best effort. I turn in my work on time. I listen to all teachers in the hallways. 5=Always 4=Usually 3=Sometimes 2=Rarely 1=Never

19 Motivation R ate yourself in the following areas by putting a number 1-5 after each description I think learning is important. I want to learn. I am doing all I am able to do. I care about doing my best. I don’t need prizes to do my best. 5=Always 4=Usually 3=Sometimes 2=Rarely 1=Never

20 Social R ate yourself in the following areas by putting a number 1-5 after each description I am helpful and friendly. I listen and accept the ideas of others. I share and take turns. I use kind words. I behave even if a teacher is not watching. I admit it when I make a mistake or hurt someone. 5=Always 4=Usually 3=Sometimes 2=Rarely 1=Never

21 What is your favorite social memory from 4 th grade? Why? My favorite memory from 4 th grade is because

22 What is your favorite academic memory from 4 th grade? Why? My favorite memory from 4 th grade is because

23 What are your 3 main goals (social or academic) for 5 th grade? My three main goals for 5 th grade are: 1. 2. 3.

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