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1 Annual Title I Parent Meeting Annual Title I Parent Meeting October 22, 2014 iHigh Virtual Academy San Diego Unified School District.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Annual Title I Parent Meeting Annual Title I Parent Meeting October 22, 2014 iHigh Virtual Academy San Diego Unified School District."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Annual Title I Parent Meeting Annual Title I Parent Meeting October 22, 2014 iHigh Virtual Academy San Diego Unified School District

2 2 Agenda What is Title I? Parent Rights under Title I Parent Involvement School Achievement Data Single Plan for Student Achievement Title I Funds Title I Parent Involvement Policy Home/School Compact

3 3 What is Title I? Title I is a K-12 program that provides additional academic support and learning opportunities for students at schools with high percentages of socioeconomically disadvantaged children. The program is intended to help ensure that all students meet state academic standards.

4 4 Goals of Title I Increase academic achievement Provide direct instructional support to students Provide professional development for teachers Promote parent education and involvement

5 Parent Rights Ask for meetings and trainings Review the results of annual parent involvement effectiveness survey Review the school’s achievement data Review the parent involvement plan in the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) Review and modify the Title I Parent Involvement Policy and Home/School Compact

6 6 Parent Involvement The School Site Council (SSC) provides parents with an opportunity to be involved in the academic program of the school. The SSC develops, monitors, and evaluates the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) to implement programs and services that support students.

7 7 Parent Involvement at Our School School Site Council District Advisory Committee Rep Senior presentation panel Chaperone/driver for activities Graduation Committee (senior activities) Attending school activities such as Talent Show, Awards Reception, etc.

8 8 School Achievement Data Schools analyze CST, CAHSEE and CELDT results and review AYP and API status. Schools use the data to align curriculum to state and district academic standards. Schools adjust instructional practices based on the findings of the assessment data.

9 9 Our School Performance Data

10 10 Our School Performance Data

11 11 Our School Performance Data

12 12 Single Plan for Students Achievement or SPSA End of Year Testing*: –At least 83% Proficient in Eng. Lang. Arts –At least 25% Proficient in Math CA High School Exit Exam – Gr. 10-12 –At least 90% in ELA and 82% in Math CA High School Exit Exam – Gr. 10 only –At least 94% in ELA and in 85% Math (Pass) *site-developed tests for spring 2014

13 13 Single Plan for Student Achievement Activities align with WASC Action Plan, which is posted on the iHigh web site: The new SPSA will be developed after the district guideliines are published.

14 14 Title I Funds [Federal Funds] Allocated on basis of number of students eligible for free/reduced lunch. Schools receive Title I funds if 40% or more of students are eligible for free/reduced lunch.

15 15 Title I Funds continued [Federal Funds] Schools in SDUSD are ranked according to this percentage, and schools receive a certain amount of money per student.

16 16 Title I Basic Funds continued [Federal Funds] Based on the district formula, iHigh will receive $963 in Title I funds this year. The School Site Council approved purchasing extra staff hours to support Title I students via Saturday School and extra counselor hours.

17 17 One percent of a school’s total Title I budget is for parent involvement activities. $106 this year Schools in Program Improvement must set aside a minimum of 10% for professional development. Funds must supplement, not supplant, district funds. Title I Funds continued [Federal Funds]

18 18 Every Title I school, in collaboration with parents, MUST prepare a site level parent involvement policy. The Parent Involvement Policy describes how the school will involve the parents in an organized, ongoing, and timely way the planning, review, and improvement of the Title I program at their school. The Title I Parent Involvement Policy

19 19 Our Title I Parent Involvement Policy Discussion and parent input on iHigh’s Title I Parent Involvement Policy is gathered through the annual parent meeting, School Site Council meetings, and parent emails. The Policy is sent home via email and USPS mail, and is posted on the iHigh web site.

20 20 The Home/School Compact The Home/School Compact describes the responsibilities of the school, the parent, and the student for improved student achievement. It is approved by the School Site Council and posted on the iHigh web site.

21 21 The Home/School Compact (continued) Is developed in collaboration among parents, teachers and students (SSC) Is updated annually ESEA recommends that compacts be standards-based. Is distributed with site Title I Parent Involvement Policy, via email and USPS mail.

22 22 Our Home/School Compact iHigh’s Home-School Compact mirrors our Admissions Agreement, which outlines the responsibilities for students, parents, and staff to ensure successful student achievement within our unique online independent study program. It also reflects responsibilities related to compliance with state independent study requirements.

23 23 Thank you for attending! Questions?

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