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Welcome to Primary 2!. Meet the Teachers Miss Cessford – P2C Mrs Dalziel (P.E-Thursday afternoon) Miss Nichol – P2N Ms Warrender (Thursday) Mrs King (SfL)

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Primary 2!. Meet the Teachers Miss Cessford – P2C Mrs Dalziel (P.E-Thursday afternoon) Miss Nichol – P2N Ms Warrender (Thursday) Mrs King (SfL)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Primary 2!

2 Meet the Teachers Miss Cessford – P2C Mrs Dalziel (P.E-Thursday afternoon) Miss Nichol – P2N Ms Warrender (Thursday) Mrs King (SfL)

3 Meet the other adults in P2 Alistair Gorrange Debbie Alderdyce Caroline Caddy Laura Stewart

4 Literacy Silent e with long vowel sounds – a a-e 1 syllable words with soft c and soft g. face/rage 2 syllable compound words. railway 2 syllable words ending in –ing and ed

5 Literacy Vowel House/colour coded spelling Throw it on the wall or magical spelling Semantic and phonological web

6 Literacy Reading 3 times a week at least in the afternoon to build up word level and develop comprehension skills. Handwriting, fine motor skills straight after lunch everyday. Writing will be done through Big Writing approach L&T- talking partners, dinosaur topic talk

7 Maths SEAL – Stages of Early Arithmetical Learning within number

8 Maths Numeracy will take place alongside practical activities exploring time, data handling, money, pattern, shape & measure. We started with symmetry this week.

9 Topics Toys Scientific investigators Dinosaurs Scotland France Houses and Homes Healthy Eating

10 Everything Else- through IDL Health and Well being – P.E, Circle Time, Show and Tell, compliments Expressive Arts – Art, Drama, Music- ukulele, Dance. Technologies- Ipad, clicker, lego, construction activities RME- Dr Barr assemblies and classroom visits Structured play- choice and play

11 Rewards and Sanctions House points Table points- p2N Assembly: Cramond stars certificate Well done tokens- golden ladder - P2C

12 Homework/Homelearning Reading – We do reading in class at least 3 times per week – so please practise every night. Spelling Menu of activities followed by dictation at the end of the week. Tricky word bag – 3 new words per week Maths – Worksheet in folder linked to weeks learning Homelearning Wall

13 Home Learning Wall

14 Reminders Lunch orders are due by Thursday for the week ahead Water bottles everyday Uniform including a jacket Indoor and outdoor P.E kit P.E days P2C – Mon & Thur, P2N Thur & Fri Signature on reading record

15 Reading Record

16 Term 1 France- flag, language, stories in french, Eiffel tower using lego and by following instructions, capital. Your children would love to know more about French toys and schools... Julia Donaldson- ‘World inside a Book’ Symmetry Balls skills, team games- sportmanship

17 School website The p2 page will be updated regularly Termly newsletters Pictures and examples of work will be put up. All information from this evening will be available on the p2 page Weekly L.I will be posted- these are flexible.

18 School website

19 We will be creating posts like this one so that you can see what we have been up to.

20 Contact Details P2C P2N If you have any areas or interest in sharing talents of your own or even helping out in the classroom please drop us an email. We would love to have you.

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