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What is a bully? How to recognize an online bullies and steps to deal with them.

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Presentation on theme: "What is a bully? How to recognize an online bullies and steps to deal with them."— Presentation transcript:

1 what is a bully? How to recognize an online bullies and steps to deal with them.

2 Characteristics of Cyber Bullies Get satisfaction from inflicting emotional pain on others using social media. Often have a group of followers that support the harassment. Followers are “Sheepies” unable to think for themselves and caught up in the drama of it all. Use emotive language and often lie and exaggerate but do not offer concrete proof. Justify their behaviour by claiming they are performing a public service outing their targets. Lack empathy and delight in the misfortunes of others.

3 Characteristics of Targets Targets are usually peaceful people often with low self- esteem. Bullies generally project their own failings onto their victims who have the virtues, gifts or attention the bully craves. Targets are people who have unusually high empathy, are kind and generous. Targets are people who care about what others think of them. Targets have a strong sense of what constitutes good moral behaviour and are ethical in their dealings with others. Targets are independent thinkers and are not “pack animals.”

4 What to do if you are bullied? Do NOT engage the bully or their followers. Report the group and posts that are bullying you to Facebook. Get trusted friends and family to do the same if possible. If you are severely depressed or suicidal seek professional help. Block any contact from the bully & the sheeples. Talk about how you feel to people that understand.

5 You are not alone, thousands of people have felt like you do. You will never change the bully or their followers. You can, however, change the way that you feel. I know at times it all seems that your life is too hard & too much to cope with but hang in there, things will get better. I can say this truthfully as I have been there, survived and come out a stronger and wiser person. Together, we are a powerful force for change in the world. To shout a resounding “NO!” to bullies and their minions. What you need to keep in mind.

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