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The Education Company Williams Middle School Classroom Plan.

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1 The Education Company Williams Middle School Classroom Plan

2  Born in Huntsville  Graduated from University of North Alabama (Go Lions!)  I took that picture About Mrs. Henderson Sadie & Danny


4 Teacher Creed As your teacher, I will not allow any student in this classroom to stop me from teaching for any reason whatsoever. As your teacher, I will not allow any student in this classroom to stop other students from learning. As your teacher, I will not allow any student in this classroom to keep me from doing what is in the best interest of the class. As your teacher, I am a member of this classroom and there are two things that I will never allow: 1. Manipulation 2. Questioning of my management system in public

5 Entering the Classroom 1.Go directly to assigned seat 2.Get out sketchbook 3.Begin working on Bell Ringer 4.Finish when Mrs. Henderson says to Late Arrival 1.If you are late coming to class (with or without a pass), you will sign the Tardy book 2.Tardy book is located on the counter next to the tall closets 3.You should not have to be prompted to sign if you are late

6 Daily Agenda 1.The daily agenda will be written on the board every day 2.Please do not ask what we are doing for the day Homework 1.If homework was assigned the day before, it will be collected after the Bell Ringer Pencil Sharpener 1.You may get up and sharpen your pencil when needed 2.Do not continue to sharpen if teacher is talking

7 Charging Computers 1.Computers should be charged before coming to school 2.If you need to charge your computer, ask Mrs. Henderson who will direct you to which outlet to use Use of Computers 1.Computers are only to be used during designated “device time” 2.There will be a sign at the front of the classroom that will tell you if it is acceptable to use your device Finish Early 1.Let Mrs. Henderson know you finished early 2.You may choose to read in the reading corner or pick an early finish sketchbook activity

8 Cell Phones 1.Cell phones are not to be used in the classroom 2.If you are caught using your cell phone, they will be collected and placed in phone prison for the rest of the day. 3.You will be able to come collect your phone at the end of the day

9 Classroom Noise Level 1.You may talk quietly while you work on your project 2.If the noise level gets too loud, a no talking rule will go into effect for the rest of the block. Clean Up 1.You are to begin cleaning up your work area 5 minutes before class is over 2.Once your work area has been cleaned, stay seated at your assigned seat until the bell rings 3.Make sure to push your chair in when you leave

10 Questions 1.If you have a question about your project, remain seated and raise your hand 2.If Mrs. Henderson is helping another student, stay in your seat and wait until she is finished. Bathroom/Office 1.Only one student allowed to leave classroom at a time 2.You must take designated pass based on where you are going 3.You MUST have permission prior to leaving the classroom

11 Tornado Warning 1.Quietly line up at the door in single file 2.Follow Mrs. Henderson to designated safe place Fire 1.Quietly line up in single file line at back door 2.Follow Mrs. Henderson to designated area 3.Stay quiet for roll call Power Outage 1.If the power goes out, please do not scream 2.Stay seated and keep working on project Emergency Procedures

12  Bring a sketchbook, folder, computer, pencil, and eraser to class everyday  Be seated and working on bell ringer by the time the bell rings  Keep a positive attitude  Respect each other, the teacher, and the materials that are provided.  Clean up work area before the end of class Classroom Expectations

13  Class Store  Open ONLY during Bell Ringer time  Must use Art Cash/Coins earned for good behavior to purchase items  Test Buddy  Bonus Points  Music  Catch Up Day Positive Incentives

14 Consequences 1.Warning (Name in Behavior Log) 2.Sign Behavior Log, Last Out of classroom after bell rings 3.Sign Behavior Log, Value Time, After Class 4.Parent Contact

15 Severe Clause  Fighting- Willful intent to inflict pain  Vandalism- Destroying property  Overt Defiance- Extreme  You will be referred directly to Administration for severe consequences

16 Grading Assessments: Students will be assessed based on the following criteria:  10% Homework (sketchbook assignment, research assignments)  30% Class Assignments (bell ringer, formative assessments)  60% Summative Assessment (portfolio, unit tests, pop quizzes)  Projects will be graded based upon a rubric which allows the students to see exactly how their grade is determined and in which areas they may be able to improve the projects over-all grade

17 Attendance  Try to make it to class everyday  Late to class will result in signing the tardy log  Repeated tardies will result in parent contact  180 days in the school year  If you miss class, it is up to you to check make up folder and ask classmate what you missed  Catch up days will be provided for projects

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